
  • Oct 31, 2018
  • Joined Oct 12, 2017
  • Hi,
    Just quick question since I am curious since when I look at the first 100 person, the also donate in 17 January like I did but I am not getting Glory tag although if I look at my premier tag it said number 62


    • zhibonan888 sorry for really late reply, eventually it arrived after a hour or two, and I already verified it, thank you for your help

      • [unknown] sorry for really late reply, eventually it arrived after a hour or two, and I already verified it, thank you for your help

        • Hi guys,
          I am just wondering why I need verify my email address even though I log my account with my gmail account, but since you asked for it, I give my other mail address which my domain that hosted with google, but until now I didn't get any mail for verification process.

          • CKtalon Thank you for your reply, I look at the book of answers but it didn't state it plainly regarding it will spend the bonus first before using the paid spirit stones
            But I just tried it, as you said it did used the bonus first.

            The count against the bonus spirit stones.
            I hope they will update the book of answers.
            Thank you so much for your help.

          • CKtalon Thank you for clearing it up, I hope the system will spend the bonus first before it touch the spirit stone that I bough even though it will need extra codding for that but I hope webnovel will do that, otherwise it kinda let down to end up with all your spirit stones is expiring since the system can not differentiated which one is the bonus which one is paid.

            I decide, I will donate now, since I am poor, maybe 10 usd is enough for now, since I know it hard to make unpopular decisions but for my personal opinions it is good to have options to get more spirit stones, if you want to.

            • So the spirit stone didn't expire anymore?
              Or it only applied if you get the spirit stone with money?
              can someone me this clear?
              Thank you in advance

              • Will the spirit stone going expire like in the past?
                Since maybe it almost impossible to spend all spirit stones in month if you buy it too much.

                • I though I am the only one have this problems.
                  I am hopping it can fix soon

                  • Please bring this novel, I just started to read it and it seem it's fun enough.
                    Thank you in advance for your consideration

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