I have revised my book, and this is the new one:
It is a sci-fi fantasy with gore scenes and a bit romance.
I have revised my book, and this is the new one:
It is a sci-fi fantasy with gore scenes and a bit romance.
invisible1 She has replied on discord!
And now I am waiting for the great news ahead!
InstaMoist I cannot find Webnovel Editor May on discord.
It has been for 3 working days, and I am still waiting for her reply.
But I am hoping she will reply soon
So I received an email days ago, from Webnovel Editor May, asking about which contract should I choose, and I have replied her 2 days ago.
But until now, she has not yet reply me back, it makes me sad.
Has it ever happened to you?
Frorstyflame done! from mrzkonpyuta!
Hello, so, I need some review for my sci-fi book, and the terms are:
Do a review for my book here:
After reviewing my book, please reply 'DONE' to this post, and drop your link.
I will also review your book with my second account, but don't review with spam words such as: great author, more chapters, etc.
I will read your book too and give a honest review
If you want a heavy story, this is sci-fi fantasy.
Note: heavy story ahead
I am so thank you for your honest review.
Since I am newbie with Webnovel Global, so it is not so easy for me.
But I like your review, thank you!
Bella_Jackos I have already, from mrzkonpyuta
So I just started my sci-fi fantasy novel days ago and some people has already told me that the story is too heavy because of the science. Yes, indeed, I do name the planets and the main star with metals, and war between planets, with different energy in universe (like dark energy, light energy, etc).
I am hoping a true review if you read this, and tell me, is it hard to understand the science inside the story?
A real science fiction fantasy, and a heavy story to read:
Here is my second book on webnovel:
How about review swap?
Hello, saya izin promosi karya saya ya.
Sorry, English version is not ready yet.
Udah bab 10, actionnya sudah dimulai nih
Bertualang antar galaksi yuk!
Genre warning: fantasy, romance, action, sci-fi, magic, role-playing, thriller, mystery.
Plot berat: warning.
Setelah sekian lama, lahirlah seorang Crossbreed mortal di dalam Galaksi Metal. Namun, karena kutukan alam semesta yang diarahkan kepadanya, Keira diwajibkan untuk menjadi bagian dari penjaga galaksi untuk bertarung dengan para immortal, menjaga kedamaian alam semesta.
Awalnya, ia pikir lawannya hanyalah Silverian dan energi gelap. Namun, setelah ia berhasil berdamai dengan mereka, ia baru menyadari bahwa rupanya Blackerian dan materi gelap, adalah lawan yang sesungguhnya, setelah mengetahui sebuah rahasia dari masa lalu mereka.
Sayangnya, melawan Blackerian tidaklah mudah. Mereka bahkan mengendalikan sebuah lubang hitam ke arah tata surya Goldinian.
Mampukah Keira menghentikan aksi para Blackerian dengan energinya yang mulai melemah?
The Xbreed's Curse: Silverians & Blackerians