
  • Sep 8, 2021
  • Joined Feb 2, 2018
  • How else would we know Kelly_Goodwin is flush with coins and giving away multiple $100 Magic Castles like it's going out of style? /sarcasm

    • MasterRabbink While I agree with the general principal of this being difficult novels here have shown to be effectively translated at higher speeds. I thought this was part of why Spirit Stones can now be purchased, and I would happily buy more to read novels translated at a higher speed (as I did for Release That Witch in the past).

        It seems that faster releases of novels currently being translated is more desirable than more new novels. I don't want more books to read, I want what I'm currently reading to be translated faster, and would happily pay more for faster releases. Given the endless calls for "mass release" I'm under the impression I'm not alone (and we're likely the majority).

        • +1, please

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