
  • May 7, 2019
  • Joined May 2, 2019
  • Hi everyone, i am amused to join Webnovel and wish some readers with thirst for science-fiction will have a look on Neurospacis - a project i have been studying for a lifetime really, there are three chapters available currently for your curiosity. Thank you all for your time, any feedback will be highly appreciated.

    Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/13674810806825305/Neurospacis

    Title: Neurospacis
    Human brain remains a mystery by its core.
    Life is a perception of senses, interactions, time and space but what is powering our cerebral mantle? Have we been able to study and answer this question earlier in human history during forgotten ages?

    Neurospacis is the epopee of Jarrod, his father Klein, Elsa and Cathelyn willing to sacrifice themselves to travel across eras, spaces, sciences and cultures to answer to the deepest marks any mind had questioned about the human brain, history and being at a universal level.

    • Hi everyone, i am amused to join Webnovel and wish some readers with thirst for science-fiction will have a look on Neurospacis - a project i have been studying for a lifetime really, there are three chapters available currently for your curiosity. Thank you all for your time, any feedback will be highly appreciated.

      Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/13674810806825305/Neurospacis

      Title: Neurospacis
      "The result, therefore of our present inquiry is, that we find no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end." - James Hutton.
      Life is a perception of senses, interactions, time and space. Neurospacis is an epopee of characters willing to sacrifice themselves to travel across eras, sciences and cultures to answer to the deepest marks any mind could question about the human history and being.

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