I've noticed my book changes in small ways the grammar becomes a bit better (which is nice at times but kills some jokes) so is it an algorithm or do I have an editor?

- Joined Nov 26, 2018
RevunantoXz it's the truth though! he's so far removed from his character in the fics
a fact about Draco is he's a brat not a b*tch theres a difference! And oh Lord the self inserts... I've read alot of terrible hp fanfics like the lunaxhermione cannibalism vore fanfic
this was a trip just plain yikes but even in that one the characters were in line with the canon
[unknown] tbh not on this site, I haven't found any I liked alot are too OOC that I'm left wailing Draco would never! Or sth like that
[unknown] tbh not on this site, I haven't found any I liked alot are too OOC that I'm left wailing Draco would never! Or sth like that
MisterImmortal I have a side of life book people know the romance is end game so the rest takes precedence at least that's what I'd like to think but my ratios are almost 50/50 if it helps
Clowniac dude good to see ya!!!
Hey authors and readers I went offline for most of the year after July what did I miss?
Just looked through realistic fiction, I think it'll fit, it seems to be the free for all category which is great! Plus I just saw a book about becoming a fish on the same page as a hard core ero-lit, yep it'll fit. thanks!- In HELP!
Glasir Watch a trump rally, because wow that guy is just wow...
I'm female i read anything and write about some elements of my life recently I'm writting a mystery novel since its fun
How would you classify a Mystery novel on webNovel? best comparison Nancy Drew
I use canva i.e
then I resize in Gimp since its fanfiction,
- Edited
And as for improvement neither English or Chinese are my first languages but I've become rather fluent in English since i began writing, and my assistants don't correct me as much now, plus readers ratings has improved and their reactions are what I was going for so yep I can note improvement
Well i started writing in december as a gag I'd keep the chapters short and goofy and as a gag since I was writing a demonic story I'd keep the chapters word count at 666, honestly since I was having so much fun I never quite cared for content as long as it's readable and funny all's good! Was my motto, then it got alot more popular than I had originally planned and some readers even offered to be editors, something which still baffles me, and so I kept writing actually took the time to research a little and try to increase the word count the result= I got to write an epic battle between Satan and Lucifer while angel Gabriel gave them marriage counseling...
I had a blast! So be goofy! Heck add text chats and emails like I did, it's fun and you find yourself improving as the chapters run on, really I can't compare chapter 1 and 25 you'll go a long way and you'll see your progress and you'll find devoted readers who are really so much fun to talk to.
Fear is present yeah it always is, but as long as you have fun sharing your little world i think it's worth it.
Chryiss Yep we definitely have alot of love I actually made alot of friends through the army, so it'll be fun to see what we come up with who knows where it can go with the fandoms power!
Chryiss because we army's are Scarry...
But I just finally got some sleep... Fuck it sleep is for the weak!!!!!
DavidPaul ooooh I'm a tree hugger I can give it a shot!
DavidPaul I can give swords and magic a shot!
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