Wanna try this one?

- Nov 28, 2020
- Joined Oct 4, 2020
Hello! Here's a recommendation (meets 3 out of the 4 you mentioned):
https://www.webnovel.com/book/behind-the-facade_18179128105581405Pls help me blow this novel up I came across it and its amazing :)
haha btw it's not mine but its a great readHello! I came across a novel that I absolutely love. It's called Behind the Facade and it fits the description.
Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/behind-the-facade_18179128105581405- In Free books
Hello! I came across a really good novel. It's called Behind the Facade
Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/behind-the-facade_18179128105581405 - In Free Reads
Hello! I am not the author of this novel, however, I want to help promote it because I love it!
It's called Behind the Facade
Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/behind-the-facade_18179128105581405
As a Princess, it's her duty to do what's best for the kingdom. I know what you're thinking, it's another one of those stories where the prince rescues the princess and then happily ever after, but for Lila, it's not that simple. Her whole life is dedicated to helping her kingdom from the shadows. Her family expects her to be dressed in frilly dresses and prance around all day......but little do they know that the only reason their kingdom is still standing is because of her. But as Lila grows older, the King is adamant that she marries. One thing leads to another, and Lila finds herself trapped between having to decide to choose between her heart and her kingdom. Will Lila finally fulfill the duty she was given since birth, or will she fight for her love...?Hi! I came across a really good novel that is new, but for some reason I can't vote to support it. Does anyone know why or how the problem can be fixed?
Hello! I recently came by a new novel that was really good, but for some reason I can't support it by voting :( do you know anything about this?
Hi! Here's a good novel:
You should check it out! It's a combination of action and romance.Hi! I came across a new novel today:
You should check it out! It's a combination of action and romance. It's a female lead :)- Edited
Hi! I came across a new novel today:
You should check it out! It's a combination of action and romance. Plus a female lead :)