Why is it authors write several hundred chapters and fans put so much time and money into their novels only to start other novels leaving the current ones and fans high and dry?!

- Dec 10, 2023
- Joined Oct 18, 2020
- In Free pass
I love the novels but it really pisses me off that I pay enough as it is and the free passes we get we can’t even use them on the books we want! It seems to be decided by webnovel and that’s wrong!!
What is even the use of fast pass you get when you can’t use them on the books you actually WANT to read? Got fast pass that just sits in my account and can’t use them smh…
- In Fast pass
Why is it I have lots of fast pass but webnovel is trying to force me to use them on other books instead of allowing me to use them on the books I’m already reading? It’s absolutely ridiculous!