Hey Authors. I hope you guys are doing well. I just wanted to ask you guys about the different ways you guys manage your character.
I mean I am a writer myself but I strugle with managing characters when the novel is so long. Like over 400k words or even 1M. So I just want to know if there is a special way you guys manage them. The ways to remember what their stats are and which characters have relation to a certain character.
Also is there a software out there that can help you with this?

- Feb 8, 2023
- Joined Nov 20, 2017
- Edited
I am writing a novel and when I open the inbox on inkstone, I see 2 types of comment sections there. normal comments and paragraph comments.
Normal comments show when I open the specific chapter of the novel but I can't see paragraph comments other than inkstone
can anyone explain what it is the difference b/w them- Edited
atlast they fixed it i think things went wrong with a update or something but here we go again same shit well atleast i cant read some chapters now
i think the trick is you keep clicking to login :)why the hell WN cant fix login system cant use spirit stones plus it wont even load chapters of any novel i tried 404 error WTF
Is it down again cause I cant read any novels or open my library its saying opps
so is it me or everyone Is having problem