- Edited
Another explanation as a final courtesy:
The discussion is about choosing one English phrasing that more readers will understand (open discussion), instead of another that fewer readers will understand (currently used), both having effectively similar meanings and tone that preserve the original source material (subject to the interpretation of the translator).
I have absolutely no idea why you are arguing that we need to preserve the original source material, when I haven't suggested otherwise. This has nothing to do with cultural appropriation.
And for reference, I am ethnically Chinese. I speak GA/SA English natively, business-level Japanese, and Mandarin as a heritage language. I have experience working with translators and doing localization with my background in linguistics. I don't know why you're so adamant about shutting down criticism, but what you consider nitpicking is literally the task of translation. At this point, it's clear that I'm wasting my time as the translator has already acknowledged the point.
Miya somebody who can't come up with a respond, and opt to lump
sfxRain do yourself a favor and make sure you aren't making a fool out of yourself.
By the way, your quote is from Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People, not Benjamin Franklin.