No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..Mass release please

- Nov 27, 2018
- Joined Nov 18, 2017
- In TGIF#31
It suck I'm jealous now..
Damn I can't come as I have no money for travel....
When you came in my country I will be there even at the corner of southern coast...I again failed to get in airforce....
(3rd time)
seriously I can't think how do I feed my hungry stomach should I become a boytoy.. I'm not that poor luck is directly proportional to my look hehe...+1. Lurking around
I just know it is practically useless..
It's just achievementNew badge unlock
Guys did anyone know about badge thing I got it in notification box.....
Reply your valuable comments for my further knowledge enhancement...Guys don't envy just make plan for trip overseas and you will get a classic experience......
First you have to get out of your state..#cktalon
Good experience[unknown] I'm free I will post my info in group post..
You did great but what about mine ranking I got 6th now did I get also 6th...
It's depressing...WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL
You did great but what about mine ranking I got 6th now did I get also 6th...
It's depressing...To the qidian members and users....
Happy new year.
Guys I the void king
Wish you a beautiful and lovely happy new year..**May God make your year successful.
Meh you can't be sly to this extents
Hurr hurr
I don't have intrest in man.I lost thoroughly guys. Go on your trip....
F***ng I am sticking here for nothing.
Cries** ( in the corner)Come on guys show some respect to fellow elders and like my post #56