Philia_Hilz I started mine 3 weeks ago it's (The Rabbit Hole) exactly like that

- Feb 9, 2024
- Joined Aug 12, 2023
SiaReader I don't usually read anything with a female lead, not because I'm sexist, just because I don't like to, I think the only think I've read, or watched with a female lead was (I max out my defense I wouldn't get hurt) but I'll check it out
OnlyNovelReader yes I am spending 3 months, and if it does well enough I'll make into a manga, with or without webnovels help, I'd like their help though
Rosewater15 I did it
- Edited
Rosewater15 I'll do it with you, I don't know how to do the links, My Novel is (The Rabbit Hole)
henceight about my other novels, I do have some but the only one that I even have close to the amount that TheRabbit hole got was Zombie Murderer, but that's it, all my other are work in progress, I'm still in college.
MyCatLovesMe thanks that means alot
Sara_Wilcox why do I feel like a bunch of people are going to sleep promote in the comments
I didn't think I had people who read my Novel, thanks for the love, i am planning on finishing the novel, im also saving up money to make into a manga. I read it alot on my free time, even with its 12 chapters I love my work.
I've changed it so many times, I've changed the format to the format it needs, I've resized it to what it needs but it's not letting me put my image.