After some investigating, it turned out to be an update issue. All chapters that have not been published or not premium but are "bonus chapters" for multi-release events are ad-locked. The thing is it ad-locked chapters automatically even if you had read, commented, voted or used SS on them because they were "bonus chapters". In the end, I just carried on reading the novels despite this issue.

- Dec 10, 2018
- Joined Mar 26, 2018
- In Adlocked?!
- In Adlocked?!
I appreciate the effort that authors, translators, editors & Webnovel staff put into releasing these novels for us.
So normally I don't mind watching ads or paying SS, but...WHY are the chapters that I previously read, rated & commented on, ADLOCKED?
Someone, please explain this to me.
Grovekeeper I agree, the poor translating can ruin the original story & the typo/grammar mistakes could be so easily fixed. I'm reading a novel now (Gate of God) that frustrates me because the characters, storyline & world are cool, but every few chapters I'm drawn out from it by these errors.
Short story or novel, doesn't matter, just give me the word count thanks.
Short story or novel, doesn't matter, just give me the word count thanks.