ano81 just go to for free and unobstructed reading. Ezpzlemonsqueezy.
a lot of chapters being locked!?!
ABitterDay Damn policy changes
KhadijahMakoul they took it out of the book of answers why would they do that?
UnderTaker26 that is so true
ABitterDay well if it does come to that see u there
bachingchung thanks for the heads up
Well everyone to Qidian underworld if it goes on despite that i don't want to do it
Another thing i noticed now is that one my favorite novels is called Monster Paradise and most of it is locked now this is personal I've been reading that book ever since I discovered this site and they're going to take it away from me I already use up all my daily Spirit Stones I'm reduced to 0 Spirit Stones now I don't even have enough for a couple of chapters
ABitterDay Some originals are already starting the paywall.
ABitterDay Some originals are already starting the paywall.
you should see the novel realms in the firmament it was at chapter 1042 before the locking they made it go back to chapter 149 after the locking it s hilarious
CelebdAngmar no not the originals!!!
There no free unlock for premium chapter now?
Guys, you might want to visit r/QidianUnderground on Reddit to read the premium novels. Youโre welcome.
Demonic_Chef no there is not, unless negotiations work out. The mother site in China found out that this site is doing things differently than what they are doing over there and it is causing the authors to be upset. Only the first 100 chapters of any premium book is supposed to be free then its subscription after words to keep reading it. We dont do this over here and China found out and is putting a stop to it. This site is trying to negotiate to not have it that way but I dont think they will be successful.