Because mother fucking Franky from Noblesse is an absolute bad ass. I don't need to say much more to prove my point.

    I cultivate the 21st dao in existence.

      Mag is easy it’s can stand for mage or magic dral is part of my last spelled backwards that’s how I got the name been using it seen


        Origin - it's somekind of slank, when I was a kid many teenager used it e.g. sticker on car or even graffiti
        Meaning - The most comfortable time

          Mine coz i like Darkness for Genesis i like Team in anime AirGear call Genesis and i like the meaning behind Genesis which is The origin. Hahaha

            I like mythology since i was a child, later i also peak an interest for etymology, and at some point i made a conection betwen Angels and Monsters origin, both messengers one is the bell boy of gods je the other warns about danger to come, one was elevated at the status of sacred, the other become synonym of calamity, altough im harsh describing angels i like both, sure i prefer fallen angels rebels or war angels je but i love monsters, i like a lot dragons lions and wolfs, and in diferent moments of my life i peak one as a emblem, So... black as a fallen ten for holy or angel or celestial and rou for wolf

              From word ' artemis' which i adapted from novel artemis fowl + zii (nickname of my exbf) + a

                I was tasked to protect this realm against those despicable aboriginal Gods and somehow managed to get here as I was bored, Go get some life they say, it will be fun they say. But the more I stay here, the more I realize that I crave to create mischief the realm I was supposed to protect. As such, I secluded myself to cut off these weird thoughts lingering on me. I just then awoke from my slumber.
                As such, I made my daoist name like this as there is no such thing in the material world that could move my heart...
                Haii~ do I really need to get a life... So troublesome...😩

                5 days later

                From dragon language from skyrim:
                Shul - sun
                qo - lighting
                Im going to cry >. < My nick doesn't change and my old nick is from Sloth but I can't use that and can't use Lazy and can't use Deadbeat (maybe someone know about kamidori almost all game i was a deadbeat) then I connected those two and come with my old nick. But now I'm Shulqo but my nick doesn't change!!!

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