what the hell ! this post is still counting on.....

- Feb 8, 2021
- Joined Dec 11, 2017
- In Men Vs Women
##So much ......##- Edited
Well I was just wondering again ......
do things happen the way they happen because I knew about them.....or did I know about them cuz ,they were going to happen........
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Ysabelledomingo026 umm....can you elaborate....??
LatteMachiatto Oh yesssss we have a Chaos dragon amongst us , and he loves stabing people in the back with knife!!!Long story~ ....
(I can sell the blood ....buts it's....not ancient...hmm
I know I will keep it outside the fridge and let the blood rot a bitheheheh)
So what do have in exchange hmm?
takeshi_zaizen I AGREE the caves gone......deserted it's seems...
that cursed discord!!
and just to give u people an idea ,I will share what happened yesterday----
I came back from a lecture late I was so tired that I immediately fell asleep after dinner , I didn't even open the discord to say sorry to my friends who were waiting for me (we were gonna play this hunger games simulation thingy~)
The interestingly ironic part is that I was using that damn Discord in my dreams to make peace between my mom and sis !
They were going full on emoji wars and I was trying to stop them from annhilating the other.....And guess what I heard in the morning !
they really had a row while I was sleeping.........- Edited
OldBlindOwl my kind of people!!
my answer would be different universes as well as superimposed probabilities.....(I hope that's not confusing...)so infinite loop of eternity or finite small universe of set limit!???
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RavenWritingDesk what are you talking about !!!
internet is the ##REAL LIFE##
ok then any 3 wishes(except for imortality) or unlimited life only?- Edited
so much happened........
and what's the hell miya ?
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CelestialMeatbun hey there
thisis called Immortal Beggar!!
nice to make an acquaintance
so are u interested inor
and just to brag ucoqid and _Haze_ I just recently became lv 4!!!
(yeah I don't care either~)