I'm a bit late on this but here's what I feel.
This genre, i think, is about connecting two or more individuals with each other through various things: little everyday details showing that they're each constantly thinking of one another. The harmonious conversations, the discords, their developments
Too hard to imagine? Look at it this way, you only notice things when they're gone. If one side was to die, why would the other side cry? What sorts of things would the living partner think of? What would trigger them to make them cry? It's the small details: The argument they had about the toilet seat being up or down, the way he spoon feed her meatballs, the way the grass feels on their feet in the middle of the night as they snuck away from the theaters, the way he pack her favorite colors straw in her meal. All the small details. The stupid things, the wonderful things. The build up, the breakdown, the thoughtfulness, the break ups, the insensitive actions, the tragedy, the wooing.