FleetingClouds Then it shall be ingored. Not a big deal. I write it, and it is up to people who wanted to do it, if they don't I am not going to beg for it.

    It's not about that. You made a request, but everything has a system or process to go through otherwise if not familiar with this then ... the request would be meaningless. I think. This has happened countless times now in the annals of this thread, and I just wanted to save some lost souls who strayed from the right path. May the Gods bless you.

    Shotgun9494 Thank you for doing that.;,;.

    silentscarlettt Thank you for the cover.;,;. It was not what I imagined, but was honestly way better.;,;. so thank you kindly.;,;.

      Every weekend, I only take the first ten that I see on the thread on Saturday. After that, the requestor will have to wait until the next weekend.

      But for the request to count, I’ll post something that’s like “Requests are now open! First ten will get their covers.” Otherwise, it’ll be invalid.

        silentscarlettt okay, just wondering tho, did you not understand my description before? I mean I meant for the mc to wear dougi and not space armor. Also hope we can discuss it clearly so you don't need to redo it again before understanding what I mean. Btw his face is really nice, tho the skin tone is too dark almost bluish.

        Edit: By description I mean when I requested the cover

          I honestly didn’t because I didn’t even know what the anime was about nor what they wear until I googled it (and google doesn’t help much when it’s miscellaneous information), but also, I can’t create a 100% accurate cover. I’ll do my best, but that doesn’t mean “my best” means perfectly to the author’s imagination.

            Nothing really too formal. Just something on most likely Friday night CDT that states “requests are open”, then I’ll check the first ten on Saturday and will most likely finish them on Saturday night, maybe early Sunday. Then, for the rest of the week, I’ll focus on the revisions or redos of the ten, if requested.

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