I am wondering if authors here own the rights to their book covers or if they are using images from the web. @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL what is the official laws around using images for book covers on this site. I would like a bit more information. I would hate to use someone else's work then get slapped with a fine. Say for example I used a non-commercial use artwork then, I was offered a contract, would that then fall under commercial use? or is it commercial use to begin with because I am putting someone else art on my product.

    If you're contracted or publishing for money (like through Amazon) then I think you need to be careful about it. I used open source images that are free for commercial use for my novels. I still think I would hire a professional if I ever got contracted or I ever published on Amazon though.

    Transparency You can't use that if I am not mistaken, but since you don't get money from it. At worst, you will be asked to take it down. Find a proper illustrator one day if your novel had some success.

    I just googled open source images and used the first result. Website was called Pexel. I took photos from there and edited them in Gimp. Mine don't look like typical webnovel covers though. You may want to try one of the threads where people offer to create a free cover for you.
    In case you're curious what my covers look like:
    Uniform System I edited this cover for several hours. I'm a complete amateur and I used 5 different images.I think it's customized enough to use however I want. It's pretty bad though so if I ever got published I'd want a professional to make it, haha.
    Uniform System

    Steampunk Apocalypse! This one I just lazily took an image and resized it. Then threw text on it with the title. I would never continue using it if I actually published since I just blatantly took it.
    Steampunk Apocalypse!

      Transparency Generally, you should use royalty-free stock images that can be used for commercial use, regardless if you are contracted or not.

      Apparently the font used on the cover must also be purchased, or free for commercial use or you could be sued by the license owners...

        Thank you, everyone! :) Super appreciated!

          SnoozySloth wow 5 hours! thats amazing! You do some cool stuff! I worry if free cover runs follow the CC licencing or just steal stuff off the net too :P I don't wanna get sued.

            I mashed together a new one from images I can use. Thank you!

              Transparency It's not just about being sued. The chances of that happening are small, but if you were hugely successful you would want to ensure you were covered.

              Webnovel could get a DCMA and your novel taken down.

              And most importantly as writers were are artists. The last thing we want is some smuck stealing our work and posting on another site pretending it's theirs. So we should return the favour by respecting the artists who create the covers we use.

                I am not a lawyer but normally a company would send a cease and desist later before suing. At least in the US anyways. Suing is expensive for businesses since they can't legally represent themselves. So they have to hire a lawyer even for small claims court. This is all based on my business law class I took a few years ago though. Don't take it as actual legal advice haha.

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