It always noisy as ever 😂😂
When they give mass release, there are always those who said why not mass release this , why not mass release that.
Now webnovel didn't give any mass release, you all said in unison, why there is no mass release this week

Sigh Now, I don't care the mass release o some else.......
I just don't understand why QI does not pick up nice novels or abandoned novels that so many readers have been requested here in the forum considering that 'almost' all novels that they have been released are boring or cliche (the novels with female protagonist not for any reason lol).....
We need new novels with plots a little so much different D:!

Hello everyone. I'm new here. Please take care of me. I would like to ask everyone ' what is thi #TGIF31?'

    You have to listen really hard to recognize any english in that song. They can sing but it is hardly recognizable.

    happles o my... Whyvare they lime that... It takes days for a single update arrrggggghhhh we have our gems ready for FMHM

      TT No mass release for 2 consecutive weeks ~ boo hoo~

      Feeling broken coz no mazz release=.=

        li_bandz The authors make a special content that is special enough. Most Chinese authors didn't think about Western reader.

        Thank you for releasing The 99th Divorce! That cover is so pretty! 😍

          What?? Not everyone can enjoy this TGIF!! Discount is useless when your already in the latest chapter.. .tsk .tsk

          mass release 99th divorce please :D
          also now that perfect secret love went patreon on top of it being a premium novel (money both ways :sweat:) does it mean there will be fewer mass releases?

            @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL shouldn't the review the pool system be reviewed already? Implementing the drop (or postponement) of novels that are there for too long without recieving many votes? Maybe choosing 2 random genres on which we would choose 1 of 2 novels and the other postponed for month or more?
            The way it is now is unfair to less popular genres and to who votes. I get the feeling that don't really matter which novel I vote since they will all be released anyway and even we merely help to decide the order...


              Nizze Yes that is. If you can really decide. That would be unfair to translator.

                WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL is that English? Maybe it's the accent so it's hard to comprehend the lyrics of the song. Could you post the lyrics?

                  LzyGmr The authors, the publisher, and the translator would be. That means they could get money.

                    it is good forum to read books and there are lot of good books in it

                      What's this mass release stuff all about. Please am new here

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