It seems that doist @Neverfire7 cultivation of the art of calm mind and ignoring all thing troublesome has reach it absolute peek
SIGH such beautiful art ,can elder daoist @Neverfire7 please impart me some of your great skill, i beg of you elder.......

    Daoist_Eternal_Sky "you wont die if you dont seek death" this is a wise saying that you can learn from junior, and as the other approaches you to beat you up i can only say " if you survive this ordeal(which you probably wont) you will reach a new stage of enlightenment plus I'll even treat you to some st*rbuck coffee after this so fight on junior, and so goodbye and goodluck to you

      alextrick The calmness I have achieved is a side effect of the cultivation method I use. Unfortunately, this humble Lord cannot impart the method to you, due to it being my most prized self-creation! Perhaps, the only person I may share it with is Milady, however, she, undoubtedly, cultivates an even greater cultivation method to have reached such great heights!

        Neverfire7 ah I understand elder daoist but may i ask the true name of this art your cultivating so that i may be able to open my titanium alloy dog eyes so that i may reach a higher enlightenment

          Daoist_Eternal_Sky well the more you mention "HER" the higher the chances she'll see this, probably...... :) so good luck to you junior

            zswaleh cries such an emotional passage. I'm proud of you dude, hang in there and find your own happiness in life

              alextrick I... forgot to name my method- I mean, my cultivation method is so great that there is no name that is worthy of it! Ahahaha... That's it...

              alextrick Another cry for help? Hmm.... Nah, I'll just pretend it never existed

                deikatsuo and your guess was wrong hhhh 😅

                Lol probably because #DebianUserHere 😂
                Well... Ubuntu to be exact. Never really branched off from the first Linux distro I ever used.

                alextrick Impartiality is not a characteristic I have obtained from cultivating my method. Instead, it was a trait I was born with! What a fair and just person I am!

                  Neverfire7 Yes, exactly thats just how a senior should do!!
                  ass-kissing and boot-licking mastery technique

                  Secretly said (Senior Let's use him as a fodder and forget that I'm the who started it okay??)

                    Daoist_Eternal_Sky Yes, exactly thats just how a senior should do!!

                    Hmm... Yes, know that I look at you, you seem to be a heroic member of your generation with a lot of potential... Here, take this artifact that my grand-disciple casually made the other day...

                    Daoist_Eternal_Sky (Senior Let's use him as a fodder and forget that I'm the who started it okay??)

                    (You forget, I must remain true to my principles lest my Dao Heart suffer)

                      Daoist_Eternal_Sky junior you dare......... while i may seem harmless you dare try and use me hahahahaha........
                      it seems just because I haven't slaughter this past million year you think just because a tiger doesn't hunt its a sick cat.
                      be very carefull junior you are treading on thin ice right now for angering both me and that dark crow , be very carefull........

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