It seems that doist @Neverfire7 cultivation of the art of calm mind and ignoring all thing troublesome has reach it absolute peek
SIGH such beautiful art ,can elder daoist @Neverfire7 please impart me some of your great skill, i beg of you elder.......
Daoist_Eternal_Sky "you wont die if you dont seek death" this is a wise saying that you can learn from junior, and as the other approaches you to beat you up i can only say " if you survive this ordeal(which you probably wont) you will reach a new stage of enlightenment plus I'll even treat you to some st*rbuck coffee after this so fight on junior, and so goodbye and goodluck to you
Neverfire7 Oh geez..
alextrick Ah.. I think let's just forget that line ok??. So no trouble will seek us!!
alextrick The calmness I have achieved is a side effect of the cultivation method I use. Unfortunately, this humble Lord cannot impart the method to you, due to it being my most prized self-creation! Perhaps, the only person I may share it with is Milady, however, she, undoubtedly, cultivates an even greater cultivation method to have reached such great heights!
Daoist_Eternal_Sky "the poster may try to forget but reader/internet shall not" this junior is a wise word for you to ponder about
Neverfire7 ah I understand elder daoist but may i ask the true name of this art your cultivating so that i may be able to open my titanium alloy dog eyes so that i may reach a higher enlightenment
alextrick Just dont MENTION it in front of "HER"!!!
alextrick AHA!! You finally said it!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha
Daoist_Eternal_Sky well the more you mention "HER" the higher the chances she'll see this, probably...... :) so good luck to you junior
Daoist_Eternal_Sky sht............, that was a slip of the tongue, fuk me
alextrick hahahaha.. I'm not ALONE!!! Finally at least I have a comrade-in-feet to suffer together!!.. Ha Ha Ha Ha
Neverfire7 elder do not betray me,please....................
alextrick Impartiality is not a characteristic I have obtained from cultivating my method. Instead, it was a trait I was born with! What a fair and just person I am!
Neverfire7 Yes, exactly thats just how a senior should do!!
ass-kissing and boot-licking mastery technique
Secretly said (Senior Let's use him as a fodder and forget that I'm the who started it okay??)
Daoist_Eternal_Sky Yes, exactly thats just how a senior should do!!
Hmm... Yes, know that I look at you, you seem to be a heroic member of your generation with a lot of potential... Here, take this artifact that my grand-disciple casually made the other day...
Daoist_Eternal_Sky (Senior Let's use him as a fodder and forget that I'm the who started it okay??)
(You forget, I must remain true to my principles lest my Dao Heart suffer)
Daoist_Eternal_Sky junior you dare......... while i may seem harmless you dare try and use me hahahahaha........
it seems just because I haven't slaughter this past million year you think just because a tiger doesn't hunt its a sick cat.
be very carefull junior you are treading on thin ice right now for angering both me and that dark crow , be very carefull........