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Wow HAHAHAHA, I'm 70 xp from level 4, but what appears when I comment is the "editor" tag, so it doesn't really matter, which is sad. Haha

    Chrissy i guess u come from the editors clan which i respect, i will let this one slide to honor ur clan.

    Sadly a civilian was shot, i was crying while watching this,

    Shooting and violence contained, font watch if u cant handle it plz.

    He was given confusing orders and then shit by cops, it is becoming dangerous as police are becoming more aggressive, i hope this doesn't happen to any one.

    the video name is Daniel shaver( victim) shooting.


      I saw that. Pretty shitty job from the cop, glad they saw through his mistake in killing someone that was literally crying to not be killed. sigh

        lV 4 reporting in here _ .... hard work for being here


          Who got killed?

          The guy crying not to be killed. The one that was like on the floor and shi?

          Course he got killed, that's the whole point of what I was saying.

          It's a damn shame

            Cilliez ikr it is fucked up, the worst part is the police who shot him was let free, i dont blame that guy, i blame the guy who was giving the instructions.


              True as fuck.

              I mean both are involved, one for shooting incorrectly and one for escalating the situation but one took a life while the other didn't. But you could say that the guy yelling indirectly took the guys life by spooking the guy with the gun...

              They probably had a hard time with that in court. Like who is actually at fault the guy that shot the gun or the guy barking the orders.... hard pick.

              I'd say the guy yelling but I'm sure some folk would say the guy with the gun should have been more careful...

                Cilliez from the video I saw I'm like like how long did it take them to arrest him...he looked like he had a hard time keep his hands up. I don't know POLICE practice but I think it makes sense to apprehend the suspect ASAP once they raise their hands, especially since you do not want them to make any sudden movements it makes sense you slowly walk closer to the person....You get a better shot that way too if they try anything funny, that way you can easily aim for a less lethal artery and at least not kill the dude. Though again, I don't know POLICE procedure.

                It just seemed strangely like a long apprehension especially when they say "told multiple times to raise his hands" though anything can be manipulated these days so it also could have been only 2 minutes.

                What is this world coming to?


                  The weirdest part is when they were like "crawl over to us" like what?

                  They were saying that is the guy was on the floor then they could have just gone over and arrested him there. No need for the guy to act like a baby and crawl. Especially with his feet crossed? Like that's some skill you have if you can do that. And right after he's crawling and crying, completely freaked out, they tell him to raise his hands again. And he does but he's still so freaked out that he fucks up by putting his hands down once, and suddenly killed.

                  Like nothing out of that situation seems okay to me.

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