• Questions
  • Is it appropriate to have Poetry books on webnovel.

I love to read novels and stories but prefer to write Poetry. I was searching webnovel and discover some poetic works. I thought "I should check these to see reading market for poetry here."
What I found was very disappointing few chapters of each one with almost no votes.
My question is do readers of webnovel want to read poetry?

    7 days later

    AsterAnemone There is Poetry Book! Let's call the resident cat. @DeJeL

    I can't appreciate a poetry in English. Sometimes, I don't get the 'rhythm.' If it is in Bahasa Indonesia, I could appreciate the 'word choice', etc.

    So, personally I can't read it or write it. Because most of time, I become confused. What did I just read?

      MasterRabbink Thank you for the response. English is my secondary language so it is a bit hard to get into the feel of it when reading English poetry, but I sure can write some :) that's why i wanted to ask before posting my work here.

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