I love to read novels and stories but prefer to write Poetry. I was searching webnovel and discover some poetic works. I thought "I should check these to see reading market for poetry here."
What I found was very disappointing few chapters of each one with almost no votes.
My question is do readers of webnovel want to read poetry?
Is it appropriate to have Poetry books on webnovel.
AsterAnemone It had the word novel in the site name. So poetry first.
MasterRabbink so do you want to read poetry or would prefer if webnovel only had novels?
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AsterAnemone There is Poetry Book! Let's call the resident cat. @DeJeL
I can't appreciate a poetry in English. Sometimes, I don't get the 'rhythm.' If it is in Bahasa Indonesia, I could appreciate the 'word choice', etc.
So, personally I can't read it or write it. Because most of time, I become confused. What did I just read?
MasterRabbink Thank you for the response. English is my secondary language so it is a bit hard to get into the feel of it when reading English poetry, but I sure can write some :) that's why i wanted to ask before posting my work here.
AsterAnemone Just try then. It might be unpopular, but not everything is about popularity and money.
AsterAnemone I am not the only writer that posted poetry @MasterRabbink, links to the two books I know of below... the first one is mine, the other one is my irl friends: