WeebMonsieur as a veteran "first commenter" who worked hella hard to be at the top (all those "refresh" couldn't have been easy) i can say we own the comment section and no hate will conquer our will to triumph
:smiling_imp: :military_medal:

    Miya lol, i already do something like that, i write exp to them every time, but if it is anything other than first i give a like

    I support the idea but frankly am against it, for the sole reason that most people will dislike something not because what somebody says is wrong, but out of petty revenge for daring to have another viewpoint. Dislikes shouldn't be a petty weapon you use to silence other peoples opinions or objective facts, since lets be honest, the thing people hate the most is when people are honest.

    So it's heading towards something like a Reddit styled upvote and downvote system?

    Miya But my mother told me not to swear, so I don't. What gentle person I am! Besides, I'm practically already a dispenser of solid advice.

      Yes i totally agree. Some comments are outright mockery or arguments. You cant quell such guys by replying to their comments, for it fuels them to send scathing replies which turn it into a bigger argument to the point of insults. It Would be great if we can simply downvote such comments

        2 months later

        But someone will use it just for fun. ya know dislikes everything

          hehehehehe I usually ignore those spam cause its nothing to do with me but I agree of putting some report button

            Miya sorry to but in but the "first" comment is too childish to put it gently and it really does not make the experience better in the community, it is useless, in fact in several other sites that I use it is rather shunned and looked down and people often prefer true comments, also if you have read the chapter there should be something you like isn`t? why not comment about it instead of "first", maybe its because I am used to a kind of places that the "first" has been basically banned, also it will not hurt QI to actually fix the comment section in a way that people can relate and discuss opinions, since after like the 50 first comments is practically imposible to held a true discussion or to input your opinion when the first coment is like #·25 and the next comment is #·105. And really the dislike bottom is srly needed in here

            ordinaryoriole Instead of making them afraid wouln`t that make them think before posting something? And why not make it so that a dislike erase a like and a dislike is erased by a like?. Also letting people write everything they want is not always good, what if there is a troll, and there is always one who give spoilers EVERYDAY or talk trash and the like? In my opinion the dislike button will do more good than harm in the long run

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