Daoist_Eternal_Sky oh bored eh...did you check the "what are you recently reading thread"? I will mention you there celli(cannot remember how the last part of the name goes) and I usually write the current read of the day. Or at least since it has been up.

    Cilliez yeah, when I read it I just say Celli in my head so I never paid attention to the rest. @TheDarkCrow has a The in his name and until I went to check just now I didnt know, I had only been calling him crow I knew the dark was there but he had a picture of a dark bird so it wasn't worth mentioning...and somehow lost the, the.

    The inner workings of my head >_<

      Flaffy It's funny cause I basically memorize the names entirely, the only name I had trouble with was @WeebMonsieur cause the Monsieur part is hard to spell without checking :X

        Cilliez lol.. the MC's name is Cillin. I associated your name with it because I'm currently reading it..Sorry for that.

          [unknown] cause it's French!!! It is French right? It looks french....french is always weird for me cause it never sounds right to me even when French people speak English the accent sounds weird to me too!! It just doesn't flow for me like Spanish or German(the only two languages I have heard clearly before other than French, that I still don't speak or understand fully)


          when you realize that the yellow emoji peoples also have skin types as well, making your list be quadrupled

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