[unknown] cause it's French!!! It is French right? It looks french....french is always weird for me cause it never sounds right to me even when French people speak English the accent sounds weird to me too!! It just doesn't flow for me like Spanish or German(the only two languages I have heard clearly before other than French, that I still don't speak or understand fully)


when you realize that the yellow emoji peoples also have skin types as well, making your list be quadrupled

    WeebMonsieur GET IT AWAY FROM ME GAH!! IT'S CRAWLING TO ME NO! NO! NO!!!!!! :scream:

    Proof is in the blue pudding qidian calls a quote.

      Flaffy i never see you anymore, come out the door, it's like you've gone away :musical_note:

        and @Cilliez is gone(offline)......
        Here lies our great friend with an undetermined gender to us all also once my Queen and @Neverfire7 greatest test of his life for being a terrible adult.
        let's sing praise of her...maybe he which we would never know, tale of her adventure in this vast and fine land of qidian Fores....(wait this is not elfin @Miya ) Forum.

          Flaffy Stop ruining my reputation! As far as I know that might be an edit! Just like you and your family information! There can't be any more of your extinct race in Pokemon it's all lies(jk)

            Miya We used to best buddies and now we're not....I wish you would tell me why!๐ŸŽต

            WeebMonsieur the pudding is real...accept it...

            • Miya replied to this.

              Flaffy do you want to build a snowman?
              it doesn't have to be a snowman...

                Miya go away Miya (you're name fits perfectly!)

                • Miya replied to this.

                  Flaffy ok bye :wave: :snowman: :snowman2: :snowflake:

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