Anyone notice that You can no longer find the forum or vote on stories on the Webnovel mobile app? Could You please fix it?
No idea where Else to post it, Sorry If it i posted it on the wrong area.
Mobile app messed up?
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Frytrix Android or iOS? There are other reporting this too, but the Devs hadn't come to the forum yet. Perhaps they are coding behind.
Me too! This is the problem on my iOS.
Same and I'm on android
same here, android
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Using an android and I have no problem still can vote and see the forum
also noticed that the spirit stones on app wont immediately update about you unlock the chapters. its like you need to refresh the whole app again to get the real total number of spirit stones
Got an android tablet and smartphone. App is totally fine on smartphone, but the tablet version looks totally different with huuuge pics and genre buttons, different category order (recommended, originals etc) and missing forum/vote buttons
Yakumo What is the difference? Android version?
Perhaps this would help @ReachZhaiTW to find the 'bug'.
MasterRabbink still unable to rate chapters on Android
I think its about how recent the app was installed. Mine initially had the version with what's new/forum buttons before.
Due to the login issues a few days ago, I tried to clear cache and reinstall the app thinking that the problem was on my app, After the reinstall, it now showed the male/female recommendations.
Old installs had the page that looks similar to the web browser while new installs had the weird male/female recommendations page.
Hoshino The only thing is the Devs seems cooking something behind the scene. No answer about this problem or the solution. The only temporary solution is using mobile websites and pinned them as apps.
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MasterRabbink yes, Android versions are different. Tablet 5.1.1, Smartphone 8.0.0. Both webnovel apps have been reinstalled now, so there shouldn't be a version mismatch.
Would be interesting to hear from other ppl with same issue, whether they are using this app with a tablet, since some apps have a special tablet mode, because of the bigger screen size.
Yakumo I haven't checked my tablet, it was too old for usage.
xineob unable means can not touch seek star?
MasterRabbink Hoshino new install will show user guide page, then, man page will show male/female, after 7day or 15days , old main page will show again.
my tablet not even competible with the webnovel app
mine just got fixed back to normal with forum etc