Dhunan Hopefully the author knows they can reach out for help. I encourage you to ensure they do, if they haven't tried already.
Reporting Serious Abuse !
I know a few
There's more than one of them out there, even if the author reports it, nothing is done by WB.
@WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Please monitor and investigate any ratings lower than 3 stars.
Jessie lol, do you really think they'll do that? They can't even have the time to fix a simple issue of having a 1 review/novel.
asaade well are you the author of that novel?? if not your opinion is useless, only if the author complain about that will it be resolve...
so all in all DONT BE A BUSYBODY... the author didnt even care why whould you???
soooooo let me get this trait... you are saying its ok for something bad to be happening as long as the victim says.... sure its ok
you gotta understand that it is basically what you are implying.......
Dhunan are you in writer FB group? Try asking there, maybe you get much faster respond?
bachingchung Even Report User didn't work anymore.. there's author named 'BeaterCheater' in webnovel that plagiarized 3 novels in one day, i already use Report User to him many times but nothing happend
I just checked the novel you mention and the reviews already 400+, i think around 421 or so reviews... It's getting crazy!!!!!
NeoBee I just don't bother with the ratings anymore. I'm surprised that some novels I have fun reading are below 4 stars here. While those novels filled with generic plots and cliched dialogues were always around 4.4 - 4.7 although there are novels deserving of the mark, majority were rather disappointing.
Reviews aren't really reliable anymore. They can give a basic idea. But most reviews are usually generic that barely say anything like emoticons. I myself ignore most of it. What usually catches my eye is the introduction, genre, cover. But still best of luck.
FujiCigarette in the first place the thread starter is not the author and he's only a bystander... ill give you example comparing real life the victim(author) get beaten up by someone and you the bystander(busybody) see it and you reported it to the police(qidian) do you think the police can do anything if the victim didnt even report it?? well for a kid like you who doesnt understand life its better for you to go to school and learn,, tsk tsk kids who think they know everything about life and bring a busybody, heh a babybra warrior who cant even get spell STRAIGHT correctly pweeehhh spit spit spit
- Edited
^ What? (Above)
I I mean, such things as 'upstanders' are a thing.
BeyondBreaking above no theyre just busybody did the victim request help from them???
asaade before you go saying nonesense i will tell you.. you see someone get beaten by some thugs but you just stand there and do nothing, you said why even bother to report if the victim isn't care? Well then what happend if the thugs switch from the victim and beat you instead? You will think that you should report the thugs before so no one become the next victim, but now it's to late because you already become the victim and bystanders only watching you without doing anything.. after beating you up, the thugs will go and find another victim
NeoBee preach brudda preach.
asaade i don't understand why you are being a busybody (like you said) in this thread...if you don't care do not post anything...
You know... if you don't have anything worth of saying, just shut up.... you will look smarter...
After all sometimes silence is gold.
DiegoPedroso Well said.
FujiCigarette This wont change much for trolls since they can just skip to the required amount of chapters, then continue spamming. The only way to really fix this is to limit the review to 1 per person, but even then some trolls might create multiple accounts