Neverfire7 OHHHHH I never realized the blonde freaky dude could be a regular person. I thought all of the characters in Dragon Ball and its predecessors/spin off's were aliens. I stopped watching after the little boy with tail met the girl(first episode I think) so I'm ignorant but the commercials always made them seem to be all aliens, this guy at least looks normal. Interesting I might have to go back to it.

Neverfire7 I'd like to note that I don't spam that much. I like to stay on topic but this thread was definitely made from spam, so we don't have to steal another thread just to have a conversation. Hey hey, the S could also be for stealing.....I think that is way more plausible.

    Flaffy TBH, I've never watched Dragon ball... My shameful secret is out... Plz don't murder me... I'm a fake... I just know a few things

    We literally don't have a topic to talk about but we still manage to talk... Really strange...

    Anyway... I'm off to sleep... Good night! Or good morning? Ugh... International... So annoying...

      Flaffy thanks asshole, now i gotta read all those novels cuz they all look gud, read half before but what the heck will reread them all

        Omg I'm the 100th poster I may not have gotten 1000 on the last stolen thread but hey 100 is cool too

        zswaleh how am I an asshole for that? Gave you something to look forward to at night.

        Anyhow speech time:

        I want to let all of you know honored I am to be your 100th poster. 😢 it has been such a long ride. I swore I wasn't gonna cry 😭 and yet I'm just so happy!! To have been given such an opportunity is like...all I ever wanted out of life. 😋😄😀😊

          Flaffy because i wont stop till i read all those books instead of doing something else like .......(can't say)

            WeebMonsieur The sun just rose here!!....

            WeebMonsieur Oh yeah is this another form of yours again?

            Nah!! that is a pest that used to come in my plane to bargain!!... maybe one of my followers felt bad for him and gave him The Acala Flame body!

            P.S> never played diablo..... But is it him in the picture?

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