AtIndo23 Just checked the video, it looks cool but at the same time complicated. It was also shown in Mac so I have no idea if it may work on windows.
What the heck? I'll try it never the less.
AtIndo23 Just checked the video, it looks cool but at the same time complicated. It was also shown in Mac so I have no idea if it may work on windows.
What the heck? I'll try it never the less.
idkmylifeisamess It works on windows. I just try it and it's working fine.
Looks interesting. I think I'll check it out this weekend. My Word document outline is messy and long lol. I could really use something like this.
Tried it it's nice, no more need for my ntbk. :)
AtIndo23 pretty good writing tool. I now don't have to use a plan on my inkstone.
I used to remember back in year 5, they used to make us write plans for no apparent reason, maybe they though 10-year-olds don't have brains and will fuc over any work they do. I used to be like- Pshhhhhhh, I need no crap like a plan, I can do it in my head. 6 years later, I'm writing a plan for everything I do. I don't think time can heal these wounds.
Haha, I know the feeling. I think both my novels started a bit roughly due to a lack of proper planning in the early chapters. Now I'm more careful about it.
@AtIndo23 @ImBloo @idkmylifeisamess @SnoozySloth
check this:
They have some feature that maybe interesting to all of you.
Poche I would download the softwares if I wasn't a lazy ass. I have already written too much in campfire.
here another one
atomic scribbler
idkmylifeisamess jejeje well, if you feel comfortable using campfire dont change..
Why don’t you just write it out, is this really needed I wonder? I guess I’ll do research a bit one it and see if it’s good
I forget some character quirks as time goes on. I write them out in word but it's messy and scattered. Also, a tool like this probably helps make sure you don't introduce a character before fully fleshing them out.
I prefer to use "Wiki". In the future you can use that to show information. However, something complex is HIGH fantasy. It is not that popular here.
I think it is faster for me to make notes in Excel, the timeline, etc could be make there.
So, when I start a new story I already create a record of the important and immediate characters, not to forget their names, after all the names are usually in Mandarin or are Nordic, in my case.
Already of places I am creating according to the development of the history, depous I make fichi of the places and place like chapter assistant, of time while I consutar the chapters assistentes to take away my doubts!
Of course there are times I forget even, like a nation has 8 empires, in the description of the place chapters the front I place that same nation has only 3 empires .... That kind of idiot mistake!
I'll try this app.
ThyUnknownSaint Actually, this app is just a tool where you can save all your characters, places, and timelines of your story. It's like the database of your story. So, for example when you forgot what's the backstory of some character you can just see it in there. Or, maybe, when you have many chapters and you can't remember where's some event is. Overall this app is just a tool to help you save all your events, characters, places, and some notes in one place.
And, It is obviously not an app where you can write your story in it. It's not a text editor.
You can try what @Poche recommended if you don't like this app.