hoohaah All chapters. That's why we wait so impatiently for our favorite novels to be chosen!

    jiuyue I don't think it needed fixing. The 4SS was too low that if you applied the discount, the discounted off wouldn't matter. 😂

      How this work exactly? Im still new to this, but i'm happy to be participated. The last time i open it pop-up on my screen, and i was delighted every friday. Then when i didnt use the power stone on one of the popular storied it wont appear on every top-chart i had in my LIB. Why?.. Sorry i lived in very poor connection place that i had to venture to the town just to be updated.

        DazzlingGem Yeah, but imagine if you got at least 1 SS off every chapter. Those saved SS would let you unlock a few extra chapters, which is the point of the discount :sweat_smile: I know the SS cost is already pretty low but still :cry:

          Azee_chellam don´t ask more than 10 chapter if you don´t want to leave everyone witouht spirit stone like the time that was released 30 in one go

            jiuyue 😅 I got that. But if it was just a 10% discount on the 4SS, then there really won't be a deduction. 😁 Anyway, I don't wait for the discounts on HM and BNW anymore because of this.

            Hey Webnovel!!!! The new comics are really good!!!!! And though I know it probably takes a lot of time to create each chapter, will some of the comics have mass releases in the future??? I'm especially rooting for The Heir is Here, Quiet Down School Prince!!! Thank you.

              amazing. thank you translators

                WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL it's always Hidden Marriage and other romance. Yes Castle Black Iron always get mass release too, but it's one of the sh.ittiest novel in the top 50.

                  Hi, please give us mass release of chapters again. Thank you.

                    Aww yeah, the BNW discount was great. Thank you!!! :heart:

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