My friend, it hurts my heart. Do not talk like that from developing countries, remembering that many remedies (their ingredients) and food comes from developing countries, even mines come many of these developing countries. I am from Brazil, we are the biggest exporter of food in the world! We export mainly to China and the United States, also several other countries, so think to me .... Brazil abandoned ... Where do I come from the food that the Chinese feed on? So consequence is: Many people will die and how will there be struggle to survive, if people die of hunger, the rich will fight? Never! The rich are going to run to a safer country! Of course, it is not only Brazil that exports to China, but did you understand the idea that China depends on food from other countries?
All countries are useful, regardless of whether they are developed or not, otherwise there would be no world organizations not to allow countries in crisis to fall into a larger abyss.
I must emphasize that it is not the developed countries that contribute to helping developing countries, when really the crisis that affects the whole world, are generally these organizations worldwide and that has money from all the countries participating in this organization, which mobilizes to help. Of course, there are countries like Norway and Finland that have a lot of money, little crisis and no social problems that carry out projects to leverage developing countries. There are also organizations with global donations that help developing countries that are at risk of survival.
The question is: in crisis would China survive? And would survive what? Photosynthesis? Because the Chinese do not produce enough food to support themselves, they are always importing .... Of course it is easy for authors to pretend that this is not going to happen.
Remembering that developing countries are as "disposable" as you implied, why do immigrants to these countries increase? That is to say the Chinese are always "entering" in these countries.
With the exception of a war (and I will not take into account apocalypse and alien invasion, whatever the finite transformation), every developing country that gets rid of these bloodhounds from developed countries (I know they are not all like that) actually has a lot of chance grow and thrive.
I just think it's a bit funny, not "racist", that developing countries are not mentioned in any story, even the normal background. As if the Chinese were a developed country .... Dude they are still in dictatorial regime, a good part of their population is used as cheap labor, almost slave, if not totally slave, then China is one of these countries under development.
However, I understand what you wanted to expose, but I can not see where this is right, after all I am from one of those developing countries.
Did you know that the electronic banking system was developed in Brazil, when all the developed countries were in crisis and could not "help" my country? It reaffirms what I say, developing countries can survive without developed countries, but since everything in the world is mimicked and Manichaean, it always makes it appear that developing countries are weak and can not survive without developed countries, thus creating this illusion and dependence on other countries.
I view the world as a large diagram of Yin and Yang, where everyone needs each other to get in balance, there is no weaker or stronger component, without a given country providing food or minerals many countries would go into crisis without a technology provider many other countries would not develop .... So on, each country has its value, be dropped more or less, can only be done by novel authors, who do not want to bother writing developments or other countries. I speak of the authors of any novel, not just the Chinese webnovels.