Ill admit i am irritated by the sometimes casual racism in some of the stories. But not all stories are racist and some authors are smart enough and aware enough to stick to their lanes. because as much as people might be irritated by a lack of representation in stories they genuinely detest bad represetation even more even if it's done with good although clumsy intention. so why take the chance. Also i do occasionally get a chuckle out of some of the more amusingly nationalist stories where the go on and on about how militarily superior old chinese dynasties were to the rest of the world and conveniently forget that China was conquered by nearly everyone for hundreds of years. And while they hold extreme hatred for the crimes of the Japanese during the occupation which there were many and they were fairly horrendous they are also very quick to forget their own crimes in Tibet and the fact that mao may or may not have been responsible for untold deaths. But at the end of the day pick whag you like and discard what you don't.


    Been reading for about four years now and have read almost everything of interest to me and I have to say although not racist, but like others have pointed out Chinese folks are extremely patriotic. They think they're better than everyone else and do treat others as lesser humans.
    I know that may sound extreme but its the truth. Even some of more "lighter" novels you can see things like that. I remember reading this one which takes place in modern earth, its like 2012 (movie) kinda stuff happening and some folks find an alien ship and leave earth to survive in space. In that one all other people are treated as dumber and more violent than chinese. Religion is seen as a disease and anyone that practices it is a potential threat.
    But tbh, It's not because the writers themselves are being racist on purpose but its their culture. Look at what china is doing to Xianjing muslims. What happened in hong kong etc.
    They are brainwashed into thinking this by their upper class and none questions it lol.
    I cant remember ever reading a novel where the MC wasnt a "white" chinese man with long hair with a harem of beautiful women from all races.
    Then again, it could be argued that these novels ARE written for the chinese community and they wouldnt want to see a black man as the hero. Like how all American media shows americans as the saviors etc.
    So to summarize, I 100% agree they're pretty racist; but they also have been TAUGHT to be racist, its in their culture.

    TheMDmaster11 Its a common habit for most normal human being to treat their place of origin as something special. For example, their mother, their home, their school, their street, their city, and in most cases, their country.

    For instance, if I was born as a german citizen, unless my country disappoint me, Germany will be the number one country in my heart. I will cherish it, cry with it, laugh with it, and in most cases, die living in its soil with the proud expression that says 'I'm a proud German'.

    That happens for most of the people living in first world and second world countries. Only those living in third world countries won't be as patriotic as that, but the point is each person will always be at the least a little bit proud of his country.

    Another point is, for example: I am a materialist, opportunist, and a money grubber. I'm not loyal to my country and money is the only thing I worship. And the only thing I have is my writing skills. While writing, I soon found out that most readers are little bit too patriotic, so what I do is write about patriotism so that I could earn tons of bucks big time if I was lucky and if not, well at least I tried.

    So there you have it, a proper explanation for your query. Note that there are better explanations than this one and I suggest you seek them for more details.

      yu_ba_bu_neng I couldn't agree to you more. According to my research(well basically from all the information I scoured from the internet and some libraries), western people are not that useless. They might be useless in certain things but everyone is like that. And japanese of today's age isn't that cruel. Most of their population are actually pacifists on the extreme side and they are not terrible people. China has a bit of grudge with mongolia too and I did a bit of research and all I can say is that 'wut?' I mean come on man, mongolia might have attacked china too harshly in the past but mongolia is a little bit justified for it because, come on, mongolia is basically a cold, arid desert. They need tons of food and and to do that, they need lots of arable plots of lands so they turn to their neighbor which has lots of those lands and war happens. Its normal. But chinese generally likes to blow things up and here you are. Welcome to China

        Tonufan123 I just want to let my opinion known.

        I haven't read the aforementioned novel but I couldn't agree about philippines being that cruel. I've been to philippines before and I've studied their culture deeply for some time because I'm a history teacher who specialize in world history, mostly the details. From what I saw, read, researched and witnessed, filipinos(citizens of the philippines) are warm to the foreigners. Its in their blood and cuture because theyve become a gigantic melting pot of western and eastern culture. Though they have the preference of treating those from the western countries better, they generally give you special treatment so long as you are a foreigner, a much special treatment compared to other countries. But again, thats my opinion so I suggest you to try other people's opinion as well, after all, I might have missed something for all I know.

          Take_the_Moon I like what you wrote there and I am extremely happy about knowing that someone somewhere can actually see the source, the truth, the origin, or whatever you call it.

          Basically, as you've said patriotism is a garnished, bluffed up racism. It has been here in the past, it is destroying inter-country relations in the present and will persist in the near future. It comes first from a family. A child will think that his home is better than the rest. His neighbours would also think like that and from there comes quarrels and discontent. Then someone from out of town moves in and they saw that their house is better than the house of that person from out of town. They will then think that their place is better then rest and hence, culture is born. Then they saw a foreigner, and they feel threatened, disgusted or disturbed at some point, and hence came racism. Then the well off, basically the rich ones or those with power, would use that racism to boost them up, and hence, patriotism is born. Basically, my point is until this whole stinking system is there, racism will persist so no matter how much we know, no matter how much we complain, it'll probably be useless.

          If you have gone this far reading this, I would like to thank you for reading what I think about racism and I would like to know if you have better thoughts or ideas about it.

          FujiCigarette The time when we realize that our country's leaders fucked us up so bad that the authors uses their names and our people as an example. Really wants you to drag both the author and the leader and beat the shit out of them at the same time.

          Take_the_Moon I would like to clarify that the only reason why most South African countries and Latin Americans gets eliminated in most novels is that because they aren't that developed. We can see that when disaster strikes, its the first world countries who helps third world countries. What if all countries suffer a disaster at the same time? Chances are, all countries would be too busy fixing their own lands and peoples that they don't have the time to bother with other because, seriously, 'all of us are suffering the same thing so why should I divert my resources to your country when I can use it on my own'. That thinking will automatically render most poor countries into anarchy. THen there are also too many ambitious individuals in poor countries but too few places to display their ambition so an infighting occurs. Then their technology is lacking so when some serious things happen, better pray for the hope that the situation will turn for the better, in which most cases, turns for the worst. With all the previous things I write as a basis, it isn't a surprise for a poor or third world country to fall early and be wiped out from the annals of history in the real and the virtual world.

            My friend, it hurts my heart. Do not talk like that from developing countries, remembering that many remedies (their ingredients) and food comes from developing countries, even mines come many of these developing countries. I am from Brazil, we are the biggest exporter of food in the world! We export mainly to China and the United States, also several other countries, so think to me .... Brazil abandoned ... Where do I come from the food that the Chinese feed on? So consequence is: Many people will die and how will there be struggle to survive, if people die of hunger, the rich will fight? Never! The rich are going to run to a safer country! Of course, it is not only Brazil that exports to China, but did you understand the idea that China depends on food from other countries?

            All countries are useful, regardless of whether they are developed or not, otherwise there would be no world organizations not to allow countries in crisis to fall into a larger abyss.

            I must emphasize that it is not the developed countries that contribute to helping developing countries, when really the crisis that affects the whole world, are generally these organizations worldwide and that has money from all the countries participating in this organization, which mobilizes to help. Of course, there are countries like Norway and Finland that have a lot of money, little crisis and no social problems that carry out projects to leverage developing countries. There are also organizations with global donations that help developing countries that are at risk of survival.

            The question is: in crisis would China survive? And would survive what? Photosynthesis? Because the Chinese do not produce enough food to support themselves, they are always importing .... Of course it is easy for authors to pretend that this is not going to happen.

            Remembering that developing countries are as "disposable" as you implied, why do immigrants to these countries increase? That is to say the Chinese are always "entering" in these countries.

            With the exception of a war (and I will not take into account apocalypse and alien invasion, whatever the finite transformation), every developing country that gets rid of these bloodhounds from developed countries (I know they are not all like that) actually has a lot of chance grow and thrive.

            I just think it's a bit funny, not "racist", that developing countries are not mentioned in any story, even the normal background. As if the Chinese were a developed country .... Dude they are still in dictatorial regime, a good part of their population is used as cheap labor, almost slave, if not totally slave, then China is one of these countries under development.

            However, I understand what you wanted to expose, but I can not see where this is right, after all I am from one of those developing countries.

            Did you know that the electronic banking system was developed in Brazil, when all the developed countries were in crisis and could not "help" my country? It reaffirms what I say, developing countries can survive without developed countries, but since everything in the world is mimicked and Manichaean, it always makes it appear that developing countries are weak and can not survive without developed countries, thus creating this illusion and dependence on other countries.

            I view the world as a large diagram of Yin and Yang, where everyone needs each other to get in balance, there is no weaker or stronger component, without a given country providing food or minerals many countries would go into crisis without a technology provider many other countries would not develop .... So on, each country has its value, be dropped more or less, can only be done by novel authors, who do not want to bother writing developments or other countries. I speak of the authors of any novel, not just the Chinese webnovels.

              I agree with you, In conclusion it's all about manipulation, even qidain this site manipulate every reader here with contests and SS stone , as in why can't you wait a few weeks for the chapter to unlock? Also don't deceive me it is to support new ignorant writers or those selfish old writers that write for money or for other purposes? But hey writing for money is not bad, but readers get tricked by the stories from their books,
              I have been reading here for a long while and I have never bought any stone with money because sincerely it is not worth it, I rather buy a book on the street that add meaning & truth to my life than spend on a CN book that makes you believe reincarnation is possible 😒
              This is just a website for Fun ,Fantasy to feed unreal imagination, it has nothing to add in your existence, I was surprised when I saw this post and everything that is said here because this is something that is not new "under the sun"
              We were not born yesterday, the life we live will always be full of oppression and manipulation, From our Economy to Politics to Education to Sports is so fuck Up, you still read books and watch movies and you still don't know everyone of it has an aims?
              "Then you are damned like any foolish old man who once lived on earth(history) because you have still not learned and aren't wise in your youth (Modern world)"

              Do you not know that everything here on this world is nothing but vanity?, What ever you do,say or see your emotions are all over the place, you have no control over your soul or mind, the most annoying thing is that you don't even have to be spiritual to see the truth and you read cultivation books everyday and have not still learned its secrets?
              You allow yourself to be manipulated by people in higher places tsk tsk know what? Just ignore me, I'm talking out of topic 😑

                Take_the_Moon My dear friend from a developing country, your answer is nice, full of warmth and humanity. I admire you for not being corrupted by this world right now and I hope that you would continue being as nice as always. I understand what you are trying to tell me and I highly recommend you to work at the UN. The Un needs people like you. As for me, to be honest, I'm a really bad and corrupted person, after all, I've seen much more things in this world. I was born and grew up in a third world poor country, a disappointing country. Later on due to a combination of hard work and determination, I somehow managed to get a degree and basically, I became a historian, a not so well known though just like everyone else. I've lost my sense of belongingness to my country and now work like someone gathering information and intelligence on countries and selling it to those who need it. Kinda like a spy, instead of critical information I sold information regarding histories of places and things to those who have the money to pay for them. In my line of work, if you would ever have the chance to experience it, you would realize that the world isn't that nice of a place to begin with. True that a lot of countries rely on brazil for food, but I would like to correct you that the only food that the chinese people will 'need' to import from brazil is coffee. They've got sufficient lands for them to farm their agricultural products, its that they just don't mind at all. After all, why not just let another country to invest in that particular area, fund them with investment and use something we call as 'shares' to control that particular produce. Its a common tactic for all those with money to spend and to cheap to bother with their countries because after all, all they want is to fatten their pockets. What I wanted to tell you is that the so called industry in developing world countries are funded by foreign investors who came from developed countries. Lets face it, we can't change that fact, and our government can't because behind those people fighting for the rights of development for their country are their respective countries while behind the backs of those investors are their moneybags, connections and their too developed countries. And just as usual, if a major country did something wrong to minor country, the minor country would just receive apologies and a little bit of concessions in the form of 'donation'. If a minor country then offended a major country, the minor country would pay a lot dearly. Makes you wonder what kind of messed up world are we living in, don't you think?

                  DH(demon hunter), COS(city of sin), WMW and many others Chinese novels do not use Chinese culture as a main one. Thought you will not find those novels here, use novelupdates. About promoting your own culture trough novels... For starters, thought we receive from a writer some info about how their heroes and Co looks, but your imagination tone down it to your liking. Second - do you readed Japanese novels? My first novels were Japanese ones and that's where shit hits the fan. When I got to know a little bit more about Japan(like food and this biochemical catastrophe known as onsen) I could not even bring myself to try to read those anymore(OK, there are some good ones, but mostly abandoned by translators at some point and I can count them on 1 hand).


                    I did not even read the rest, just for "working at the UN" already made me laugh a lot!

                    Nor will I make a very long comment, if I do not anxiety goes up there, so I do not even want to bother with it.

                    I did not make the previous comment, as a criticism of his opinion, even used "My friend" to expose some facts, which most people ignore about developing countries.

                    After all you believe in what you want, if you want to be ignorant, so be it, if you want to learn, so be it, if you want to do anything, then so be it.

                    In summary: I don't care!

                    And I'm not even complaining about your answer, after all, put exposed in forum, then I should be subject to criticism.

                    It is as the psychologists say: We only find it right that matches our opinion, clearly, our opinion is very divergent. I believe in mine and you believe in yours, no one of us has the ability to change each other's opinions.

                    That simple!
                    But as I did not like your criticism "I prefer to ignore", so thank you for responding.



                      Can we use nationalistic instead of racist, please? I really don't think there is any problem with the way they depict their settings and heroes. I mean, Hollywood does the same thing. Why is all the action brought to a close from American teams? Why do all the anime things happen in 'Neo-Tokyo'? You are reading something that the author can relate to because they lived there. They are doing it to bring you as much realism as possible.

                      Other than that, is there something wrong with the people wanting to be happy and prideful of their country? No. All countries are wonderful and have a beautiful culture. I mean, if anyone disagrees with that statement, then they are being closed minded. There is something to learn and appreciate everywhere.

                      Now, there are racist people in the world. That is a fact. Some characters may JUST BE RACIST. If that is part of their character, so be it.

                      These are books. They are not real. They are just to read for fun and hopefully give a good story. That is all! If you want to imagine the people with different names, then just input said name whenever you can. You can even change the way the person looks. I mean, most times they just say they have fair skin and black hair. That description can be A LOT of different races. Can't just assume someone's race or nationality based on a name.

                        I mean, it's called "Chinese Novel" for a reason. The point of it being a Chinese novel is for the novel to revolve around its culture and it's people I guess? I don't know...

                          I was going to make a long text for you, but I decided against it. If you read some comments on this topic, you will understand for yourself.

                          Patriotism spoken here falls into the same racism category. In that denigrates the image of the people of other nationalities.


                            MrDaemonaux the author used Frozen's Let it Go on his last chapter, and yes, last. The lnmtl chapters didn't proceed afterwards. XD this is what you get from copying foreign works.

                              a month later

                              Take_the_Moon I see. But I still don't understand... we're talking about authors writing books based in China right? So they are being racist for not including other cultures? What? I'm utterly confused.

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