I have read a lot of novels in these past 3 years and most of the times I read a Chinese novel i notice most of the time the whole world is filled with nothing but Chinese people (mostly cultivation novels)
And most of the times when I read a Chinese novel which is not cultivation related somehow the author is like
"china no.1" Especially with I'm really a super star, dude this novel is racist asf. I am going to talk about the novel a bit. The novel is annoying and the only thing interesting is face slapping. The mc's down fall is always his pride and nothing else. Don't reply some bs in the comment about how I have not read many novels. I have read a shit ton of novels in these past 3 years. And one more thing. I find it funny when in the apocalypse novels it seems like the only people who survive the apocalypse are Chinese people. Are Chinese people always this prideful ?

So give me some nice novel to read in the comments.

    I don't know whether they are racist or not but everywhere else does the same thing. In movies, Americans shows you they are always the one who either save humanity, or everyone else dies while they're still alive. Same goes for other countries, they stick to what they know and are, why would they spend time giving props to others for. I guess it's a patriotism thing who knows
    As for books, I haven't read a whole ton of them, but I've written one.
    My mc is not Chinese, and genre is romance/maybe wuxia, lol I'm still writing idk

      every novel always contain some extreme patriotism which other people call it racist and they favored they own country more advance and make it look good compare to other country, so there is nothing racist in my opinions, for me it was just a fiction story and we should understand some author have they own selfish, also isn't we experience racism everyday, so what is the problem with a fiction story cause it just a mirror and a fact based on our real life activity and how the world going around,and if i wrote about tech novel maybe the racism will become too extreme too, if you ever try to read china tech company novel genre you will find so many racism but it will eventually goes down cause it just for our enjoyment, like why think so much about a lill word that only presented as something for us to enjoy, also a novel like tech and money making novel withouth racism or patriotism isn't good at all, cause it will make it feel it lose the essence of the novel

        yeah they do tend to be like that... in most novels it happens in i don't care but I'm really a super star is really bad with it especially since the main theme of the whole story is about Zhang Ye wanting to become a biggest star in the world and he always looks down on foreign songs and such (with the extremely few exceptions), always moaning about how great Andy Lau and whoever else chinese stars are the best know stars in the world and such... instead of author using the full potential of his novel like copying famous foreign stuff he just keeps it all limited to chinese works. half the shit he bulls out of his "previous world" is something that most of the foreign population has never even heard of and miraculously stuns the whole world. In my opinion if that crap keeps going the whole novel will just turn into a pile of garbage once he truly goes on the world stage. this "patriotism" might look awesome and perfectly fine to chinese readers(which is fine in a sense that this whole novel was originally only aimed at chinese audience), but not so much to foreign readers.

          Most no. At least not in the cultivation/fantasy novels. IRAS is the most popular example. It's usually racism against the Japanese or Koreans specifically. Which makes sense as there are still negative sentiments between those countries dating back to WW2. Other novels also have Chinese patriotism where they're the best in the world and such. But I wouldn't classify that as racist by any means. It's just like how Americans are proud to be American. Obviously most writers will have a bias towards their own country being the best.

            China is just a very patriotic country, especially because of the past history of the country that just builds a strong sense of patriotism. I don't think it's a problem or racism-- authors are just reflecting the culture of their country.

            Think common fantasy novels: how often do you find a diverse cast? For those billions of western stories influenced by European history/culture (and typically the big countries, like Britain, France, Germany, etc., not places like Turkey with different culture than the norm ((partially because half of it is in Asia))), the main cast is always primarily white/caucasian. And this makes sense-- they're set in a place with European culture, and in Europe that's just the general race. Do you call books like these racist because they feature a cast like that?

            China is primarily the same, especially because it is just as culturally diverse like Europe, with 56 ethnicity groups, and like others mentioned above, these novels were originally written for a Chinese audience, and this is just generally what the Chinese like to read about. (plus, most of the time, if they do include a western character, they'll give him terrible generic names like John or Richard or Emily, and we don't want that to be a representative of the whole western culture.) Most Chinese authors barely have any knowledge/experience of what it's like overseas, so obviously, if their experience is limited to China, they're going to be the most comfortable writing a full cast of Chinese people and not include anyone else.

            All in all, I feel like if a novel doesn't go out and degrade another ethnic group or race, then it can't be considered as racism. There's far more examples of racism in real life which should be more worried about than China's extreme case of patriotism. Really, it's not a problem of racism but rather diversity, and those two are very, very, different concepts.

              TheMDmaster11 They are extremely nationalistic. Unfortunately the level is close to how nationalistic imperial Japan and nazi Germany were. This is also how the communist party stays in power, if not people wouldn't want to share resources.

              TheMDmaster11 Not all CNs are racist. But EldridSmith makes a good point. Their nationalism could be considered extreme. I’ve watched a lot of Chinese movies. I’ve seen some where they gather together and bash the American/Foreignner. For example in Bruce lee movies, there’s at least two cases, where they threw off the American into the sea with a small boat, they all united and started cheering or when a Black guy and American guy acted like street thugs, but Bruce comes and kicks their ass lol. I see the same thing happen in CNs a lot for some reason.

              Yea pretty much
              I mean not all are a racist but alot of them are, the bad ones especially are really racist
              I get being proud of your country and all rhat stuff but man does china take it over the top. In most novels they make it seem like every country has some sort of vendetta against it. The racism is pretty bad and not justified. But its it's mostly only the bad ones that are racist. There are a few good ones that are subtly racist but you cam ignore them

              I feel like there is an organization or a group of people affecting TIER 2 CN web novels, making them radically more nationalistic, and it has to be either by education(hidden manipulation, affecting ideas of young people-I call this lightweight brainwash) or just bribing the writers.

              For example it's a common theme in Chinese web novels(many of the ones I've read anyway!) that western people are useless and Japanese are bloodthirsty/overly cruel.

              I'm thinking the intended effect is to strengthen some sort of political agenda but due to lack of interest I've stopped all investigation.

                Don't know about the western people one, but the Japanese one I know. The reason for the Japanese hate is because Japan invaded China during WW2. Japan committed pretty much the worst war crimes of all of WW2 against China. Not even Germany and the camps compare to some of the things the Japanese did to the Chinese at the time. Then they never apologized for it after the war. So it isn't odd that China sees Japan as bloodthirsty when many people of that era and their children are still around and passing those sentiments down.

                As for the nationalistic pride. It's likely a combo of education, government control, and pride in their country. I'm sure organizations that censor novels and such effect it as well. The China Communist party (the only party really. They have a 1-party system when compared to the USA 2-party system) is less likely to shut things down that support the government and their party.

                lol, it reminds me of god and devil world and ultimate evolution...though for the past 5-6 years hasnt stopped me from reading them (former)... there have been country name changes example country a(low key) or country b, too me its just fiction..as long as the story remains interesting wont mind, that much... there is always a baddie and good guy... just depends on your point of view. but please dont drrrrrop good novels, my only complaint such as terror infinity or dark knight..its too much too bear to wait for translaations....(face plum) making me want to learn how too read chinese if this continues...kkkkk

                Theres at least one novel that has big racism and xenophobic problems God and Devil system, It bashes koreans, Indonesians, japonese and vietnamese. The protagonist does a tour of these countries and finds wronged chinese in all of them leading to bloodbaths while saying hes just avenging the wrongs , bashes chinese women who marry non chinese while finding lots of non chinese girlfriends for the protagonists. That the author has a lot of issues is plenty obvious. The author has something of China is supreme complex too.

                  well racism i dont know. but what i find interessting, is the level of looking down on people... seriously it feels like looking down on others for the stupiest reasons is kinda of a people sports in china.... this you find in truly nearly ALL cn ln.

                  "I have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World" is another example of extreme nationalism to the point of racism. The MC goes to Europe to catch refugees to make them into easy labor slaves. Explains it as helping them because if he didn't enslave them, they would just be sitting around doing nothing. Other Asian country's like the Philippines are described as being the bad guys that bully the Chinese. The MC even describes them as being yellow skinned monkeys. The bad racism isn't even what turned me away from the novel. It was the typical Chinese MC that thinks he can make people obedient by raping them. Don't want to work for me? Lets see you say that after I butt rape you. That's literally what happens. But don't worry, it's later revealed that the girl has mental problems and the MC promises to help her in the future so shes okay with him raping her . /s

                    No but I'm really a superstar has a racist tag on it to let the people know before they read I've read about 3 books like that and I've read over 300. Most of then have high patriotism but not racist I'm really a superstar deliberately made it that way for comedy purpose(hurtful or not) and for there to be a rival relationship between countries.

                      I totally agree with you. There are some really popular stories here and in mainland China that’s very very racist though author tries to down play it as nationalism. Pfft, I’m not some dumb high school drop out. I finished school and got my degree, okay? I know when a comment or story has racism. I’ve come across so many of them on webnovel that sometime I question China as a whole.

                      But back to the point. A story that I strongly recommend is ‘Superstars of Tomorrow’. It’s well written and it’s not repeating crab over and over and over again just to meet word count like so many other stories do. Although the synopsis isn’t too great and doesn’t really explain the story all too well, I think you’ll enjoy it. Especially look forward to later chapters where there’s some awesome action scene.

                      Tell me how it goes for you. I had a fun time with this story so it’s one of my favorites on webnovel.

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