Hello there brothers and sisters. I need your help to find hidden Naruto Fanfiction. could you guys comment your favourite naruto fanfiction? i want to read those, thanks
Naruto Fanfiction Suggestion
The most popular one on this site until recently was Elder Scrolls: Naruto. It consistently held a top 10 spot in the power rankings. I read it and thought it was quite good except for the MC doing crazy stuff at such a young age. The author was supposed to take a week vacation, but he's been missing for nearly a month now. So no idea if he's on hiatus, dropped it, or something happened.
You're probably better off checking out fanfic sites for good Naruto fanfic though. After trying the one mentioned above, I also got interested in fanfic. I've tried quite a few on this site and they've been mostly disappointing. They tend to lack a lot in the grammar department, though some of the ideas are good.
The fanfics I read at the below link were much better than the ones here. However, they also had their own shortcomings. If the fanfic here has good ideas and poor grammar, then the ones below have great grammar and boring ideas. Granted, I've only read a few of the top ones both on this site and on the linked site below. So I could easily be missing some hidden gems I'm unaware of.
PrehistoricDevil Don‘t know if you have read in a different world with naruto system yet, i think it‘s pretty good
Merong94 I'll give it a try, thank you.
its just some top naruto fanfics the authors use their logic too much give something to mc thats not canon in someone else story. thats why i asked for hidden ones as famous i have already tried.
SnoozySloth thanks, i also tried most of them thats why i asked for hidden ones...as for elder scrolls the author uses his logic too much (like shadow clone regenerating chakra) and bunch of other stuffs. i have read the fanfiction.com aswell . anyway thank you if u do find soemthing good pls leave a comment . thank you
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PrehistoricDevil Hey, so, I haven't read any Naruto fanfics on WN. However, as SnoozySloth mentioned, fanfiction.net is a good alternative. I tend to read more on AO3, since the fanfics there generally have great quality and plot.
You could also try searching up masterlists/recommendations on tumblr or livejournal.
lol.... in this site most naruto fanfics are titled as either "reincarnated" "reborn" into naruto/naruto world...
gets confusing.... atleast at ffnet they got way more creative titles.. lol
Here, you can try my garbage : https://www.webnovel.com/book/11116201505267205
It's definitely hidden alright but it will only waste like 10 minutes of your time at most because only 10 short chapters.
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Dont ask for naruto fics on this site none of them are good. You gotta go out to sites like ff.net, spacebattles, sufficientvelocity, etc.
Most fanfics written after Naruto ended were SI's so you get the idea, well atleast they know Kaguya is the end boss.
Heres a list of the ones I remember:
Self Inserts worth reading:
Good self insert that people rec(haven't read any tho):
Fics worth reading(some are outdated):
I think thats about all.
While it does jump to a different world eventually it starts off in Naruto and is really well written
Man, Dreaming of Sunshine... I remember reading most of it. It's like simultaneously the best and worst fanfic I've ever read. Great writing. Great character insert. Everything was almost perfect. Only problem was that it wasn't really a fanfic. Not a single thing changed when compared to the original story. The self-insert just became a x1000 better replacement of Sakura, but everything still plays out almost exactly the same. Only got more disappointing as I continued reading it.
there is also a new naruto fanfiction suggestion that im writing thats different then all the rest its
my first book that ive ever wrote and i think you will like it
As a pretty shameless person I will refer my own fanfiction... I've only got one chapter up... tell me if it has a good beginning I guess?
It's a cultivator (OC) in the naruto-verse so if that doesn't interest you sorry.
Try mine. Coiling Dragon: Age of War. It's has long chapters.
Or go to fanfiction and find Drifting or Spiraling Shark or even A father's love
RE:Naruto SI-OC (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13432982/1/RE-Naruto-SI-OC) by Humorous Painter
Rating: T Category: Drama/Romance
Relationships/Characters: Shikamaru N., Team Seven, OC
Summary: SI as Uchiha Shisui's baby sister and the story of fighting through the ninja life, requiring unreal amounts of solutions that just don't happen in reality, so why believe the lie of happy endings? Ends up finding a family anyway. I freaking lost whe...
Words: 71,937 Chapters: 31 Favs: 96 Updated: December 01, 2019