If I was writing a fantasy novel with an orphan in need of money then I'd set out to have him do it himself in a cool way. (NO LUCKY COINCIDENCES! THAT'S BAD WRITING!)
1. Pickpocket. A staple of orphans and fun to read.
2. Thieves guild. Perhaps he's not a member. But he knows a guy that offloads some of the easier work to him or a specific task for a job he's pulling to him.
3. Scamming.
Now the above assume your MC is either a bad guy or in the morally gray area. If your character is Lord of the innocents then it becomes a bit more difficult. Especially since we know nothing about your MC. Still, here's a few ideas.
1. A skill. Perhaps he has some oddly specific niche he uses to ilk out a small living. Hunt rabbits and skins them? Or knows how to perform minor repairs for weapons and armor.
2. A job. It's normal for orphans to have jobs in a fantasy novel. He could work in a kitchen as the help. Do odd jobs around town.
3. He can switch his car insurance to GEICO. With his 15% savings, he'll have tons of money to spend on whatever he needs!