The date displayed is the day you joined the forums, not Meh... I joined before you and I'm still level 3...

    Oh please, it's enough. You people want to get to 5 in a day it seems. After half a year when you reach lvl 5 it will be accomplishment.

      To be honest level does not affect too much unless you just want to show off. But don't listen to me I am merely a level 3 peasant who lives for spamming xp and replying on my own comment. Also I give random ratings on translation quality, even though it might affect the translator's life in a negative way.

      lv4 in about month easy!
      daily reading, catch to latest, comment, rating.

        Luta I count it, and it should get you about 3-4 months from lv 4 to lv 5.

          Just go with the flow. People are too used to being spoon fed everything in life, It doesn't take a lot of effort to gain the daily max xp allowed.

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