Hi, I've been reading a particular novel since it moved here from a different site but the translator is really consistent.. at not posting more than two chapters a month if even that is there a way to suggest a new translator for a novel?

    GDE007 Don't know, but I'm jacking this ask that Skyfarrow, the translators of both Gourmet novels, and the guy doing Fishing the myriad heavens get replaced or up the release rate..... Such good novels I love reading, but sadly I can't read them because the chapters aren't coming.....

      Leylin_Farlier The translator of Fishing the Myriad of heavens is giving his all.

      Quote from the translator for it: (This was originally a reply to a comment asking why his translation speed is so slow)
      "well i have school, a part time job, and this tranlation job... the translation is lagging behind the past few months mainly because of school, but the semester is finally coming to an end this week. For the next semester, i actually plan to prioritize the translation work more by taking less modules (i took 4 this term :/) and will probably quit the part time job and hope that the translation money will be enough to keep me alive xd anyway, long story short, i do plan to catch up to the owed chapters soon or at least maintain a regular release rate..."

      Truthfully, we are blessed to have a translator for it. Translators are real people, and they don't grow on trees. Every single one is special :D

        Laso49 Oh wow, I didn't see that or skipped over it at some point... Wow.... Okay I take it back, Fishing is fine, he is doing his best. As for the other novels, I stand by my claim, unless Lord Laso comes back to make me feel bad :)

        Laso49 I don't know about special...unique maybe but special? I refuse to believe that. Lol. But yeah at least he communicated....I so want to get more chapters on Gourmet Food Supplier it's like the only fluff novel I have that's CN aside from IRAS which gets weird from time to time.

        there are a lot of novels that are in need of more chapters, but you can't just demand them from the translator though. I just read throne of magical arcana and thought 'damn only 4 chapter per week, wouldn't it be nice for 10 or 14'... but thats how it is.

        Complaining won't help and even alienate the translator towards the community

          Billdoor Can I just say, I would like translators to be regulated. Like daily office workers they must clock in and clock out and send an update to editors. Editor then report to so and so and send out report to us about the release. That would be great. That way if a translator has to cut down hours editor will know and can inform us as well. I feel like the process can be enhanced so everyone involved can find a happy medium. If translator is too timid cause he's afraid of an outspoken community that is upset, editors should take on the job, they know the novel just as well and hopefully the translator too.

          Maybe this process is impractical. Though I do think it would be great to have a process. Maybe for every low chapter release like less than 7 chapters a week, there is a notice as to why or how long the release will be that slow so that people can stop worrying and stop complaining because the truth has been exposed. I am more inclined to be like "aw this sucks" if know than "aw wtf why are you so damn slow" when I dont know. Not to mention it is more comforting to know that something isn't being forgotten or left behind and the "intent" to improve is there and not just in the wind.

          Some translators pump out nearly 20 chaps a week and some 4 a week. Idk contract details but i assume less chaps= less pay. If I were going to rely on translating for any portion of income, it would make sense to put more pep into chap releases..instead of ghosting on my readers until who knows when.

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