People often comment on my novel by saying;

man, you are confusing me with those dialogues... they are like a narration.....

how do I correct it?

Of course, I know the meaning of a dialogue and narration but how do I write it?

This is one of the comment I got

this is dialogue or narration:
''Akane cooled down hearing Xuan Ren Ryu's words and nodded her head in agreement.''

''Jaiko looked at Xuan Ren Ryu with disgust and gave a snort.''


seriously I dont know how to reply to him/her.

This is the part from my chapter.

''Shut up slut, you were hiding behind this giant pig? I almost didn't saw you, anyway watch your words or I will make you and your giant pig brother rot in hell.'' Jaiko threatened Akane.

''You Dare?'' Akane didn't back down she completely ignored Jaiko's threat.

Watching the intensifying verbal fight between Akane and Jaiko, Xuan Ren Ryu interjected and said ''Akane stop fighting and let's go or we will become late to the classes.''

''Akane cooled down hearing Xuan Ren Ryu's words and nodded her head in agreement.''

''Jaiko looked at Xuan Ren Ryu with disgust and gave a snort.''

While passing by Jaiko, Xuan Ren Ryu intentionally sidestepped and fell on Jaiko using his entire body weight. His fall was so natural, natural to the point where no one will believe it was intentional.

please tell me where I am wrong and how I should correct it
I will check on google but still, I want to hear your advice.

    basic rules of fiction online anyway that im used to read is this

    italics either means a flashback or telepathic communication
    bold letters emphasize a dark mood conveying seriousness
    capitalization means shouting of course
    everything else is normal narration
    when an author wants to change the way to read it they usually do examples at the start of a chapter
    sorry bout that i dont know how to format things here in QI forum

      MasterRabbink Its still wrong coz the sentences complete is inside a quote mark but when you read is like narration not a dialogue.

      the correct: ''Akane cooled down," hearing Xuan Ren Ryu's words and nodded her head in agreement.

      FujiCigarette that is why so many author complaints about inkstone coz those feature are not yet implement like italics, bold. If the implement the whole system of FORMATTING TEXT it would be better....

        Poche yeah... felt like qidian just pushed inkstone without researching how the english internet works

          Dr_Zombie if this work how can i know? show me a example not translate novel a original.

            Dr_Zombie wow you are awesome man....make this a tutorial for author to know...

              My advice is study English more. Read/write and discuss; involve other people in your quest to improve. Not trying to be mean or anything but your English is kinda choppy and awkward.

              After you're done with that and can finally write on higher level then just copy the dialogue types from other webnovels. They usually have their own distinctive ways.

                ''Shut up slut, you were hiding behind this giant pig? I almost didn't see you, anyway watch your words or I will make you and your giant pig brother rot in hell.'' Jaiko threatened Akane. (Use 'see' instead of 'saw'; the wrong tense used.

                ''You Dare?'' Akane didn't back down, completely ignoring his threat. (Don't use pronouns so many times. It makes reading much easier to use- he, she, him, her, and they- once you already mentioned the speaker in that specific scene.)

                Watching the intensifying verbal fight, Xuan Ren Ryu interjected, ''Akane stop fighting. Let's go, or we will be late to class.'' (Don't mention the ones arguing here since you already made it obvious in the beginning. The quoted remark was unnecessarily long; Its okay to have short sentences. Interjected and said are too similar to use in the same sentence. Use a comma or a colon when you are about to use the quotation marks - he said, "..." - she said: "...". You used words unnecessary for the sentence, 'Become' should be 'be' and 'the classes' should be just 'class'.)

                Akane cooled down hearing Xuan Ren Ryu's supportive words, nodding her head in agreement. (Be a bit more descriptive here and remove the quotation marks. No one spoke. While using 'and' is sometimes necessary, you should not be repetitive with it. Find ways to replace or not use 'and' so many times. it messes up the flow of the story.)

                Jaiko looked at Xuan Ren Ryu with disgust and snorted. (Remove quotation marks. Don't make sentences unnecessarily long. Use -ed for past tense.)

                While passing by Jaiko, Xuan Ren Ryu intentionally sidestepped and fell on him; using his entire body weight. His fall was so natural no one would have believed it was intentional. (Him instead of using the pronoun repetitively. The last sentence was awkward, it repeated the word natural and was too elongated. Also instead of using 'will', use would; past tense is necessary for any story narrative except when the character thinks or speaks.)

                Well, that is all I could see without putting real time into it. So, I might have missed a few things.
                You should get Grammarly, its free. Though the free version is mostly just spelling and punctuation, it still helps a lot.

                  Oh my god! I want to die.
                  so many mistakes, and I am using Grammarly free version. If I don't use Grammarly the result should be much worse.

                  I used more words for word count but now you enlightened me.

                  noun, pronoun,... I don't even know them.
                  I can read and understand English but I can't speak.
                  Passing in English exams means a huge achievement to me.
                  anyway, Thank You.
                  I think I improved a little, very little.

                    what you said is the truth.
                    I don't think my English is choppy and awkward; Because It's worse.
                    Anyway, Thank You.

                      It's all a journey. We might fall or trip on the way, but as long as we trudge through to our goals, then we are good.
                      You cant learn without making mistakes.

                      2 years later

                      After quarantine, the world will no longer be the same. A lot will change. Of course, I want to believe that the changes will be for the better. For me, the important question remains the study. I need help, and many services offer their services. So far, Paperell has caught my attention. I have final exams soon, and I have no idea how they will realize this under conditions of self-isolation.

                        8 months later
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