Would you rather:
1. Die and be sucked into your own personal hell where you are forced to watch everyone that you have every loved be killed in front of you, but they give you the ability to try and save them.
2. Live forever but for the rest of your life everything you do puts you into excruciating pain but you get to see all your loved ones never come to harm for the rest of their natural life spans.

    To do. Progress derives from the action of actually taking action.

    Have multiple universes besides our own(they aren’t identical) OR Have multiple infinite versions of this universe in which anything that can happen has already happened infinitely.

      Have multiple universes besides our own(they aren’t identical).

      1 or 2? xD


        LoL or Dota?

          LoL...only because I haven't played Dota before haha

          To live a bright life until age 16 or to be a monk/nun till age 100?

            what!! that's a hard one tho..... I guess until 16?

            internet or real life? hahahahaha

              RavenWritingDesk what are you talking about !!!😱
              internet is the ##REAL LIFE##
              ok then any 3 wishes(except for imortality) or unlimited life only?

                OldBlindOwl my kind of people!!👋
                my answer would be different universes as well as superimposed probabilities.....(I hope that's not confusing...)

                so infinite loop of eternity or finite small universe of set limit!???

                  gorky finite small universe I think cuz eternity can end up with long sufferings

                  Light or dark?

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