Translate to Bahasa Indonesia
ExaltedEmperor Huahahaaa that will be so weird. Aku baca terjemahan novel Gramedia aja gimana gitu rasanya aneh banget. Kaku gitu kesannya kalo menurut aku >.<
Apkxiaanita nice to meet youuuu....
nama skill masih gk masalah, bisa bikin selebay apapun, klo cultivator gmn ? di indokan jadi pengolah tanah yg beken dgn sebutan traktor
... tidak puas dengan kesaktiannya sbg pesilat, wakijan memutuskan untuk menjadi traktor, dengan menyerap energi langit dan bumi yg akhirnya membuatnya menjadi manusia abadi, dalam traktorasi ada beberapa tahap yaitu ... halah ... traktor gundul pea
angkong huahahahahhaaaa bener2. Aku bacanya lucu banget >.<
angkong ngakak sumpah
Hello pendekar indonesia
- Edited
I think ppl needs to be patient about this issue, andd i also felt sorry to say this but i think i really need too.
Translate is not that easy, and more ever i would not just talk about that 'surface' thing you seen in the app.
developing an app is not easy tho,
(How do u knw? Ofc i knw, I've experienced as a web developer)
It requires some times and adding bahasa indonesia means they need to release and update their features for other language too. It might cause more request for others language and might needs more translator, or evennn translating around 100 top novels they have? Or even all novels have to be translated to bahasa.
Tbh, ppl needs to learn english.
I was holding my self to say 'adding your native language'
But yeah, i was frm a country that uses the language u've requested. So... lol, just take the positive side to learn new vocabs. While waiting for the "language feature" in the future.
Andd sry, i'm not expecting there would be one bcs i think its unnecessary. English should be enough, bcs thats how international language works.
FailureFemaleLead That is their problem tho.
If they are really a fan to read some certain novels then it should be enough for them to motivate theirselves to learn english and adapt.
FailureFemaleLead orrrrr they just cant understand it even if they want to
PhantomKing but usually its A,B,C,D,E
Pingin memperkenalkan saja novel bahasa Indonesia saya di webnovel. Semoga sukak :)