So, my question is.... When will these novels be translated into Bahasa Indonesia? My friends are seriously making me do a hard work by retelling them the stories because they cannot understand English and too lazy to translate it by themselves They love the story, but don't want to read it because it's in English, and told me to remind them whenever the Indonesian translation comes out
any idea? Thanks.
Translate to Bahasa Indonesia
FailureFemaleLead In a few months time.
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Wait- what? Really...????
So I can publish my story in bahasa too?
Pilum_Murialis Maybe in a Bahasa version of Webnovel in the future, but not now. (You can always start writing one without publishing it, build up a stockpile)
Pilum_Murialis You can just publish it here. Why wait? No limit on language just your market will be lesser. There are novel with BINARY language for example.
Perhaps try Wattpad or the local novel apps until then. (Lupa namanya, Google aja di Google Play.) Novel is unpopular for Indonesian than comic.
CKtalon finally!!! thank you
MasterRabbink sayang sekali, you're right majority of my friends prefer comic to novel
FailureFemaleLead because I -and your friends - dont understand english
fellows indonesian daoist.. apa kabar
I don't understand, why your friends can't read or understand English.
Isn't English taught from kindergarten/primary school nowadays??
I bet your friends just being lazy to learn.
spydit hai juga, fellow daoist kabar sekarang masih ketagihan sama webnovel
TimeLost no motivation to learn, yes. Other words, lazy, yes
FailureFemaleLead hai juga... Iyup... Ada grup line buat yang suka novel cn? Kalau punya aku mau gabung~
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TimeLost I can understand english -listening&reading- but if someone ask me to speak / write something in english then its a disaster
-like this-
+Actually, I started to learn english in Junior High
Abaikan bhs inggris saya yang abal2
yang penting saling paham
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Pilum_Murialis in Indo, you can find a lot of "bule" who are not fluent speaking English too, so I think it's okay if you not fluent in it as long as you always learning. Pedang makin diasah makin tajam. sya jg bljr inggris di smp di thn 90an, kliatannya sama2 angkatan 90an ya lol
FailureFemaleLead it's a shame, di negara kita awareness untuk membaca dan belajar nya masih kurang. Keluarga dan sekolah wajib push anak/muridnya jg untuk belajar hal2 yg memang diperlukan di jaman sekarang, karena sudah menjadi tuntutan umum.
spydit Baik, asal mana? mau singgah ke karya aku? sudah lama disini?