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Hello I'd like to do a review swap with you! my book is called, "welcoming the chaos". It's the one that's being updated regularly, not the old one.
Hello I'd like to do a review swap with you! my book is called, "welcoming the chaos". It's the one that's being updated regularly, not the old one.
Sounds good to me let me know when you have done yours and ill follow
Hey everyone,
I have two books. If you interested please check out. Give a review or comment if you like.
I can do review and collection swap if you want.
I am up for a review swap.
Maeve_Lindley Nacho4U
I'll probably finish tonight. I only have one from last week pending.
No worries take your time! ^^ I'll start reading your book in the meantime.
Do you want to do a collection swap with me?
@Maeve_Lindley Hey I'm reading your book rn. If you hadn't already made the review, would you mind reviewing a different book of mine instead?
Sure can you review this book
And I've completed your book already Nacho4U
Hello can I also join your group?
I want to improve my writing..
Here's my first story
Im starting out too. Who wants to swap though mines probably not that interesting.
Visionary_M sure thing, my book is called Welcoming the Chaos. (Not the old one), the new one that's being regularly updated ^^
Holla out there everyone! So am I new? Well not kinda "but its been a long day without you my friend" situation with me here in forum. I was on hiatus exactly 1 year back to this very day. But with everyone's comments and cheer up words which i read I decided to continue and promised to be very regular this time. Atleast I will try my best this time till the end. So I hope you all give my book a reading and tell me how it was previously and add to library. And so I will be grateful. I will be happy to do yours also after that.
Nacho4U Raphis JerichoJordan OnceUponATime Goosey_Goo and others also.
The link is as below.
Hi... If anyone interested in reading a Female Lead - Fun Fantasy Adventure Story, please give the book of my friend a read.
ReWorld: The DwarfCat-earedElf
Thanks a lot!!!
Goosey_Goo Done, I already added your novel to my library and gave it a review. Nice writing style by the way.
Up for a review swap.
I have two books review one you like.
Hey everyone,
Up for a review swap.
Review the one you like.
Hartika_Sharma yh i am up. lemme know if you are done with yours. i will surely do it after that^^.
not a problem I am on it now