Sure can you review this book
And I've completed your book already Nacho4U
Sure can you review this book
And I've completed your book already Nacho4U
Hello can I also join your group?
I want to improve my writing..
Here's my first story
Im starting out too. Who wants to swap though mines probably not that interesting.
Visionary_M sure thing, my book is called Welcoming the Chaos. (Not the old one), the new one that's being regularly updated ^^
Holla out there everyone! So am I new? Well not kinda "but its been a long day without you my friend" situation with me here in forum. I was on hiatus exactly 1 year back to this very day. But with everyone's comments and cheer up words which i read I decided to continue and promised to be very regular this time. Atleast I will try my best this time till the end. So I hope you all give my book a reading and tell me how it was previously and add to library. And so I will be grateful. I will be happy to do yours also after that.
Nacho4U Raphis JerichoJordan OnceUponATime Goosey_Goo and others also.
The link is as below.
Hi... If anyone interested in reading a Female Lead - Fun Fantasy Adventure Story, please give the book of my friend a read.
ReWorld: The DwarfCat-earedElf
Thanks a lot!!!
Goosey_Goo Done, I already added your novel to my library and gave it a review. Nice writing style by the way.
Up for a review swap.
I have two books review one you like.
Hey everyone,
Up for a review swap.
Review the one you like.
Hartika_Sharma yh i am up. lemme know if you are done with yours. i will surely do it after that^^.
not a problem I am on it now
Sure pass me the link
OnceUponATime Annran Hartika_Sharma @SiaReader @JerichoJordan @Raphis
Hi! Would you like to swap?
I'm pretty sure I've read Haritika's and SiaReader's novels already. If so, would you guys like to switch comments this time?
Maeve_Lindley Done, I already added your novel to my library, tell me if you need a review swap too. Here's the link to my novel: https://www.webnovel.com/book/i-wish-i-could-love-you_27720547208257405
Nacho4U Done, I already added your novel to my library. Tell me if you want a review swap too.
Here's my novel link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/i-wish-i-could-love-you_27720547208257405
Yeah sure