Oooo! Two people secretly meeting up with one another to discuss secret dealings! I smell gunpowder, treason, and plot!

Remember, remember!
The night they got together
The webnovel rankings and plot;
I know of no reason
Why the webnovel rankings
Should ever be forgot!

Lerrich and Lord of Potatoes
Did the scheme contrive,
To reach the top on the rankings
While they're still alive.


    Darn it @lerrech we have been exposed! Now we need to lie low for a while before we put our nefarious plan into action... mwa ha ha ha ha ha....


    Where's the rest of the lyrics?
    Nevermind. I'll post it myself.
    Remember me
    Though I have to say goodbye
    Remember me
    Don't let it make you cry
    For ever if I'm far away
    I hold you in my heart
    I sing a secret song to you
    Each night we are apart
    Remember me
    Though I have to travel far
    Remember me
    Each time you hear a sad guitar
    Know that I’m with you
    The only way that I can be
    Until you’re in my arms again
    Remember me

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