SpicyChickenNo1 I'd agree with most that you say but romance isn't everything.

If you ask me, it's like the last meal left in your house and since you're too lazy to go buy more, you're forced to eat that instead. I find romance dull and boring with no motivation to back up that statement.

Novels like PET King are absolutely amazing for being able to create a male lead and a fantastic story WITHOUT any romance. Don't think all female likes any type of romantic novels, I'm sure there's more people like me somewhere.

    Lazy_Scorpio thats the problem with the left. Have you actually read why they raped the girl? Example GOD OF SLAUGHTER HE RAPED THE GIRL in front of her soon to be husband. Why? This is the question you dont ask. BECAUSE THE BITCH ALMOST KILLED HIM.


    WHO DO YOU THINK THOSE MC'S ARE KILLING HOLY ANGELS INNOCENT BYSTANDERS. YOU KNOW WHY THERE IS A SAYING IN CHINA RIGHT literally cut grass and pull out roots; fig. to destroy root and branch.

      The10thCrow That's funny. I went and checked it out and that's complete bullshit. He peeped on her while she was alone in a forest, then told her to take her pants off. He practically said "I'm going to rape you." So she attacked first instead of waiting to be raped, and won. She didn't even try to kill him, because he would be dead if she had. Instead, she made him a medicine slave. So, your actual defense here is "If they attack you before you rape them, it's okay to rape them!" Great rape logic you have there.

        The10thCrow i don't care, infact i was hoping for more Adorable Food Goddess chapters, sadly the translator are so slow

        Crow, you don't need to make up a rape scene to make a statement. Just say that female leads are just mostly about romance and that's not what I or you or other people like. Female leads can be good, but let me tell you this, ever read a book with a female lead where there ISN'T romance? No. Thought so.

        The Qidian ranking system is as trustworthy as IG medels. Also I don't mind rape in novels it's about the same as beating up people, however I don't like it being justified. The biggest issue I have with most eastern fantasies is the fact that they try to justify shit, like the Mc of ATG slaughtered an entire clan because they kidnapped his uncle and aunt, who aren't even related to him by blood. It would equvelent the holocaust happening because some Jewish dude kidnapped hitlers maid.

        The10thCrow There is no justification for rape. Ever. Period.

        The act is and always will be disgusting. Those who attempt it should have their crotch rot. Having an MC do that is terrible writing.

        Also, it's considered possibly even more vile than killing someone because it leaves a mental scar and the victim must live with the memory, disgust, and fear their whole lives. Some can't take it in the end...so they don't last much longer.

        When you're dead, that's it. Nothing on earth can affect you anymore.

        However, none of this is connected to the original topic, so I digress.

        lozlo He made a comment on how he would love for her to take her pants off. Plus he already saw her destroy all the mosquito around her with lightning do you think he has the ability to rape her? He was just reincarnated powerless at the moment he barely escaped death plus is saying a funny comment worth the horible death? Should you die just because you said to someone that you want to see her naked? No! And the moment you you try to kill him she already forfit her rights. Mental scars can be closed by time. Death is permanent no recovering from death. Killing will always be the greatest sin.

          The10thCrow what's wrong with that? I think it's actually quite amazing as we'll have more diversity in the content. Novels can't all be some dumb martial arts + rage + trash talk all the time. In fact, I hope there will be more. We shouldn't differentiate between female mc vs male mc. Some guys like to see how a novel would actually compare to each other without gender discrimination.

          The10thCrow Like I said, that's great rape logic you have there. You know all that bullshit because it's said in the story, but the girl who is half naked in the forest, being peeped on, and was told to take her pants off, doesn't know any of that. She knew some guy peeped on her and told her to take her pants off. Why in the fuck would she think that's a joke? She wouldn't. And again, she didn't try to kill him. I don't know how stupid you have to be to not understand that she could have killed him if she wanted to. He was completely at her mercy. So she did not try to kill him. That's just your rape logic looking for an excuse. Also, death has never been the greatest sin, it's also never been the greatest punishment. It may or may not be permanent. And not all scars are healed by time.

          edit- As a matter of fact, I doubt any scars are healed by time. They are just covered up or they blend in and become harder to see. Most scars never truly heal, if any of them do at all.

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