i want 3 or 4 of those novels released :) I hope we don't release only 1 per week with a low release speed of chapters, that would be a shame
NEW!! Web V1.7 & Mobile site V1.4
Profoundtrucksama So this is how it feels like to be hit by a truck.
@WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL 5. What if my favorite book didn't win?
Don't worry, the votes that unreleased books got won't be wiped out. You can keep voting for them till they come out.
This sounds okay, but what if some novels still keep on losing the vote? Are they going to come out eventually, or we have to wait until they actually win?
EternalNTR if you think about it this way, if a novel gets 15 votes the first week, then its start with 15 on the next week, so it will definitely win sometime
Billdoor That only works if Qidian don't add new novel to the list. Sure, they will run out of new novel eventually. Assuming Qidian release one novel and add one to the poll every week, current unpopular one might have to wait until next year.
Hi Wreck, thanks for your feedback. May I know which platform are u using now? Is it Web, Mobile site or APP?
EternalNTR It's just a cross we have to bear for picking unpopular stories to translate.
A well-needed update!
Thanks, Qidian!
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WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL samsung phone, chrome browser
*Just refreshed and is now working correctly, thanks!
I would like a feature to sort the books in my library as I want to. Or to have the option to scroll from left to right in the Continue reading section of the fist page. If the above are not possible, please show the full user library on the first page. Thanks.
I use the site on my xbox one I've noticed that I can no longer zoom in while reading novels, Ican also no longer scroll up and down chaptters at a decent rate it ticks down a little bit at a time rather thenscrolling, and finally the page of the novel is constanly trying to refresh for no good reason it refreshed about 10 times for 1 chapter the final time it just took me out of the novel completely.
OHHHHH nice~!!!!
Hey how to put a like for your favourite book?
I believe that the main problem with translating romance stories is that most people who stumble upon chinese novels do so via manga, anime or light novels. And most of those people seek action and exitement in their novels instead of pure romance. It's not like there is no viewerbase for such stories - the people who like them just don't know about CN novels yet
UntaintedByPurity but if you read IET romance for example its always pretty much the same, I really like his start of romance in ST or DE, but it always goes in the direction of - Lovers meet -> MC needs to get stronger for 40% of the novel -> lovers meet again -> mc needs to fight for her/try to rescue her at the end of the novel.
I like it but the waiting is killing most people :D
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i don't mean the romance subplot in xianxia. I mean the romance in romance stories such as the one lonelytree is currently translating
Personally, I love a good romance subplot. But a novel mainly about romance? No thanks.
Well... I like romance novel even though I'm straight guy, but mostly where the MC is still a guy so I could relate
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Ive been having trouble with the Web version on my iPad since the release of the new stuff. The next chapters wont load automatically, I had to manually open it myself. The mobile site is perfectly fine on my Android phone though.
Been having problems with the mobile app for quite some time now. It crashes every time I open it. A quick reinstall fixes the problem, but then it'll happen again after I open and close the app a few times. Not really sure what's causing it, but it started after the 1.4 app update, and still happening in 1.5
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Beginners and ladies are now getting their own suggestion zone to keep things lit.
Unexpected lit.