I'm a new reader and I am interested in learning some of the ins and outs of webnovel society.
So often then I get to the end of a chapter to read reams of "thanks for the chapter","first!", etc. Sifting sometimes through 99+ repeats of the same junk to find some jewels of insight from can be gleaned from fellow readers. Personally I use the rate this chapter feature to provide feedback to the author or translator team.
Chapter was full of errors, made no sense or didn't contribute to the plot,
Chapter was uninteresting, I found myself skipping or skimming most of it,
Chapter was informative but wordy, small errors easily ignored,
Chapter was great, well written and translated, very professional,
Chapter was exceptional, emotionally connecting, inspirational!
Do other readers use chapter ratings provide feedback and inspire authors to achieve better personal ratings with their work? If so, what do you use as your rating criteria?