Hi, I'm a newbie here and I've been quite confused with where and how to publish my novel or how to get a contract. I'm 13 years old. You might not believe it. I've always wanted everyone to see my novel. But I don't know how. I won't say much but any of you that can help me, please help. I'm really confused.
Cutie_Bear hello! I'm a fellow author myself! It's been years since I even started writing, but I did official begin writing online novels when I was 13 so I can understand your confusion.
I can't really help you much in the contract department since I'm not contracted not interested in one, but feel free to ask anything else, I'll try to answer to the best of my abilities.
Hi there!
I think in order to get a contract, you have to write a certain amount of words per day or per week (I'm not sure), and then the "sign a contract" or the "apply for a contract" button should appear in the "contract" section of where you write your novel. My novel is eligible for a contract, but I chose to not have it contracted. Other than this, I don't think I can help much. There are multiple threads in the forum that you can look through if you search for "contracts" in the search bar. I read through a lot of these when I was deciding on whether or not I should contract my novel. I think they really help if you want some more information on contracts and how they work.
Hope this was helpful!
Cutie_Bear Hello, could you read my book and give me your opinion? in return I can give an opinion on yours
May God spare our souls - his eyes focused on an unknown fixed point just before he exploded and brains mixed with eye fluids.
His eyes closed, this time never to open again. Finally he was going home. After the body quickly decomposed the area returned to its usual silence. The only marks that there was life there are the clothes left by him and the smell of death that remained in the place after that day.
Life would probably continue to exist. The cycle of evolution would not stop, but there on that day, one of the most remarkable events in history took place.
The god himself died.
Cutie_Bear Cutie_Bear Hello! I also write like you. More like I write as a way to free up my mind and express my thoughts. As like reading good books, I love writing too. Don't be confused. Don't worry. Just keep on writing. Don't worry about a contract. You're still young. You have a lot of time to hone your skills. Be confident and enjoy writing. That contract you've been waiting for will come at the most unexpected time.