MarcheHare the weird part is no one but you couldn't figure out the MC was a guy... gonna reread and add more to make it more how should say... apparent. thanks for the help. -/

    MarcheHare May is also a female name, atleast generally in the States.

    I've never seen a boy with the name "May" before. Might be just me though.

    MarcheHare ahh I see, yeah I get I now. Buts there was a part where his dad and him argue about the aunts gift which happened to be a skirt and hes annoyed that she thinks he's a girl, and I made a reference about Irish so.... Well now you know πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Oh I meant that in the novel there were characters called the1st-7th generations who were teacher to Lyle and they sort of disappeared and forgot about him.

    Your meaning works as well though, sorry for the misunderstanding

    • SinB replied to this.
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